So I already got some BLF A6, Q8, convoy S3 and bought a Convoy C8 XPL HI LED for my father.
I was looking to the L6 as my next flashlight, hoping it would be bright and trowy, but then i saw this
I realy like the look and de availability of parts to mod from the L6, but it seems the S70s keeps cooler/better regulated?
I also like the lighted switch of the S70S. (and i can get it for 41€ at BG)
I’d like a flashlight with more trow, but also bit more spill then the C8.
I don’t want a 10 second 9000 lumen burning monster.
my initial idea was a L6, TA driver and de dome it, but now i’m thinking a C8 with A6 fet driver and de domed led could out trow a default L6 easy and is much cheaper.
The L6 will be bright, but not throwy. It’s an all-around illuminating monster, though.
If you want throw, the L2 is a laser by comparison. I haven’t used mine in a long time, so can’t really comment on spill because I just don’t remember. It’s kind of a shelf-queen. The L2 is my special-occasion throwy light that I rarely need, as my herd of C8s usually do what they do best.
The Sofirn C8M(?) is a triple-emitter (a trio of XP-G2s), that’s FETted to dump lots of current into them. The first ones had problems with overheating and cooking the LEDs, but I heard newer versions fixed that (different emitters?). Mine gave me a quite literal “Holy $#|+!!!” reaction the first time I used it outside.
So would a L2 with a XHP50 be a crazy idea? could the L2 take the heat?
Am i right that an XHP50.2 would loose the black cross(less at least), but can’t be DD with a fet driver because of the lower voltage?
Witch driver would be suitable?
I realy like the ramping of my Q8 and the TA seems to check all my boxes, but it seems one of the only ways to get one is from Lexel or build one myself witch would probably be more expensive (no solder reflow or programmer)
XP-L Hi : good but less lumens
XHP35 : good size for trow / no donut hole / but 12V
XHP50 : average size for trow / can easy be driven hard with DD FET / but donut hole
XHP50.2 : average size for trow / no donut hole / but more difficult to drive CC in stead of DD
So it comes down to a good driver I guess.
I prefer decent current, 2s and ramping if posible
I cant find a 6v current controlled driver for the XHP50.2 that delivers good current and has decent UI.
I would like to try the xhp50.2 in my s70s using the stock driver, resistor modded or just bypassed. I got 9amps out of the stock driver on the xhp70.2.
I think xhp35 would throw very well, but no flood. Xhp50.2 seems perfect dome on or dedome?
I'm building an ultrafire u-f19 with fx-30 driver and xhp70 dedome for now but might try xhp50.2 for sure.
Maybe you could try s70s with modded driver and xhp50.2? Just unsure of how much current the 50.2 can handle tbh.
Convoy L2 with XPL-HI… mtn has them in stock now. Read the description carefully, particularly the commentary about 26650 compatibility. At these current levels its pretty moderately driven, great constant-ON lighting.
Low (80mA) - Medium (900mA) - High (3000mA)
If you don’t mind a zoom-focus light and some DIY. I have been using a UF-1504, and am happy with the results. Quality level is not at in the same league as the Convoy, but I have found it to be good enough for my needs. FWIW, I am absolutely not a fan of zoom lights… but this is one that I can tolerate enough to recommend.
This driver configured how you want
This LED on 16mm copper
I agree with the others from what I have seen with mine… the Convoy L6 is not a thrower.
It says the driver is 2s compatible, and it’s current regulated, so if I where to put in and XHP50.2 and use 2S, would my XHP50.2 be running at 3A ?
Would the higher lummen output outweigh the less focus in therm off trow?
I’m looking again at the Emisar D1S, but I can’t find a good comparison with a C8.
It looks good but i’m afraid it will be only slightly better than an C8.
The UI would be perfect anyway.
I have an L2 built with an XP-L HI V3 3B, currently my best thrower. Can light up a treeline 1000ft away when on max on a FET driver, a hand-shaved AR lens and good batteries getting over 1,600lumens.
I also have an L2 built with an MT-G2 with 5000k tint. Throws well and is a flood of a light too. Lights up a wide treeline easily 500ft+ away. Hitting at least 4,500lumens on max on a FET driver. What a wonderful CRI on this LED I got too.
Put an MT-G2 into a C8 as well on 2x 18350s on a zener mod driver. Even more of a flood. The L2 is the perfect balance of flood/throw with the MT-G2 IMO. An XHP70.2 would beat this in lumens, that’s for sure. And the slightly smaller dome give a bit extra throw as well. Might have to be one of my future projects.
I’m thinking of the FX6-5A and a XHP50.2 wich should get me +3000 lummen and still some better trow than your MT-G2.
Do you think I could make the 22mm fit?
Do all XHP50.2 3000K have 80+ cri? the MTN does, but shipping is too expensive to Europe.
Are the LEDs from kaidomain to be trusted?
Here is a quote of Toykeeper’s review of the Emisar D1s, which i posted the link to earlier:
Comparison to other lights
These lights are somewhat unique, since they both out-throw almost everything in their size class. • The D1 is almost up to the performance of a BLF X6v2, except it’s as small as the BLF X5. I’ll probably be leaving the X5 and X6 at home now and using a D1 instead.
_• The D1S has been compared to a C8, but that’s not quite right — it’s significantly throwier than a C8. It’s more like a modded old HD2010 if anyone remembers that. In terms of lux, the throw is slightly higher than the top-of-the-line “throw king” from a few years ago, the Olight SR90 Intimidator. Except the D1S is a fraction of the size and a fraction of the price and has a nicer interface.
Here are a few pictures of the D1 and D1S next to some other lights, for size reference: