Good driver for tr-3t6

Sorry about this topic, I know this was comented in another threads but I cannot find a good driver or original driver for replacement :frowning:

Someone may help me whith this question?

I tried order in site of trustfire, but when I click in ā€œcheckout butonā€ nothing happensā€¦

Its possible to fix a died driver?


Based off of information in other threads, this driver should do it.

As you can read further in that thread, THAT DRIVER DOES NOT FIT! (see post# 15) It is taller then the original driver.

I used this driver: This one fits and works, but it is not great and expensive
An option would be: Using the original as contact board, this one to do the work

Huh, I guess there must be a lot of variance in the size of tr-3t6 lights as that driver worked in mine.

Perhaps on a genuine Trustfire light the driver pocket is deep enough but alot of the clones use a different pill structure.

Where did you get your 3T6? I got mine from early 2013.

@TS: First desolder the driver from the pill and measure the inside of the pill and driver that you get out. Seems there are some differences in the 3T6 pill dimensionsā€¦.

I wish I knew because I really like the original 3T6 driver. Manafont is the only company that I know carried it. They seem to be out of business for a while now. The Fasttech driver is taller and it can fry xml's if you resister mod it beyond 5.5 amps. I have a thread on it here.

Do any of the components on your driver appear to be burnt?

How is the driver acting?

I got mine from DX, but earlier than you did (June 2012) so it must have come from a different batch than the newer ones.

Thanks, I thinking to go with this driver (st-50) and go up resistor mod to 6A, but now Iā€™m afraid with possibility of burn leds :_(

Any components appears burned and the driver is dead, the current not flow through this

Trustfire send to me a reply of the email that I was sentā€¦.

ā€ Dear Franz,

Thank you very much for contacting us and for your interest on Trustfire products.
We are moving our stock fulfillment to the USA in this moment, and we are not being able to ship the products yet.
We will return to normal activity on April 4th, when the products arrive in the USA. Our website is able to ship products all over the world.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


The driver cost U$12 in their site and I wanted to buy there, but with more U$17 I buy a new light (te one great reason thats avoid this happen, I buy too much for this R$240 last year :weary: )

Good to see you around Scaru.

Thanks for the good info Franz. Yeah, that is pretty pricy. Good link to have handy though. Maybe they will get more realistic about their prices eventually.

I wouldn't toss your fried driver. Most likely its a fried resistor. The FET's are easy to replace and you can bypass the MCU with a Attiny13 driver (like the Nanjg 105C). So you may be able to rebuild it to be bigger, stronger, faster.