good old ebay 2

Follow nightcrawl’s link below, this leads to the auction you were supposed to see :wink: (god damm stupid mobile, mutter mutter curse swear)

Aside the fact that 1400 lumens is impossible for this light, opinions please.

link doesn’t work :frowning:

This one does.

Looks exactly like the UF980L, which is a great light.

linky no worky

Nightcrawl nailed it, uf-980 for £11.50, I found another on best offer buys from the same seller, but I’m mobile only and as we can see, links are problematic. I’m thinking that for a tenner or so its worth a punt, auctions with uf-980 in the title show the same light for £30 - £50.

I in no way suggest people leap on this, but IF it turns out to be a uf-980 with the proper direct drive high driver then this could possibly be one hell of a bargain…….

It’s on my watch list and I might make a cheeky offer and see what happens come the end of the month, the one I looked at had a screw in pill with a 20mm star on it, even if its massively under driven, how hard would it be to swap in a decent driver? If we’re honest, and chances are, the original psycho driver is cheaper than a nanjg or other regulated driver, I remain optimistic… :bigsmile: :wink:

My link does not work for me either :~ how annoying, hope he’s not found this and realized its worth more than he’s asking….

I’ll let you all know for sure as soon as the one I bought earlier this week gets here.\_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649

Most likely something like the Prairie Fire TB-D7 from DX.

a little cheaper here:
But some day ago I have seen this light under $17, I don’t know where.

Dammit, the ones I found earlier were 3 mode, but that may have been a properly list uf-980, I’d not noticed the modes before :~

Nope, just checked, the cheapo’s are five mode, the uf-980 listed ones are three mode but the working current is listed at 450 - 600ma :~ they go for thirty quid, no charger listed so their either massively under driven or have bum drivers :frowning:

Mmmm… I would say those bezel and tail cap are made of aluminum (polished) and not SS :expressionless:

Likely quite true, they must need to cut corners somewhere, ally vs stainless I can cope with, an underdriven 980 is blasphemous…. J)

I was thinking the exact same thing. Nice find guys.

It’s definitely not the right driver - 5 mode :~

Received mine yesterday.
Let me preface the following with : I don’t own a 980L or a TB-D7.
This is my impression based on what I have read here at BLF , can physically see
and to other lights I have on hand…… Y.M.M.V…

Shipping time was acceptable (less than 2 weeks ) and the light was well packaged.
Tracking number came at no additional cost…
The threads are good, and everything was at least moderately lubed.
Finish is very nice, and everything fits as it should. The one thing that disliked was the knurling. I.M.O it should have been deeper, but the cuts were clean and confined to the appropriate areas. The o-rings were where they should be , none were undersized or torn. :slight_smile:

I compared it with Foy’s review of his UF980L

Many of the things Foy reported are present in this light.
Driver is different , 5 mode vs 3 and has no branding on the back. There’s a spring soldered to the driver and a retaining ring.

I took it out last night a little after midnight for some playtime and even without a “top notch” cell it put out a massive amount of light. There’s 2 street light in my area and both are far enough away that they don’t contribute much to the yard. This one easily bested any p60 lights I have. And posed some serious competition for my TK35 clone.
I’ll rule that a draw, because I really like that one.
The idea that this light that was nearly half as much , ” beat it ” wouldn’t please
me very much.

final impression :
It’s not a exact copy of the 980L, but it’s a very well made light.
The light output is excellent , I.M.O it was well worth the price.

I really wish you had said its crap…… I’m trying not to buy any lights this month, just some drivers and stars and cells for some projects, but I’ll probably buy the drivers in sets of five and have three projects ear marked…. Plus I’d really like a 980 style light…… Can you check the tail cap current? Or post pics of the driver? It sounds like its driven well at least. Glad your happy though :bigsmile:

Yeah, good to know you liked it :slight_smile:
Have questions tho: does it have PWM (check all modes)? Tint? Beam pattern? (good or with artifacts)
Thanks :wink:

Can you check the tail cap current?
Or post pics of the driver?
does it have PWM (check all modes)?
Beam pattern? (good or with artifacts)

Quick answers before I have to bolt. :

Cool White tint.
There’s some easily visible rings on a white wall from about 10 feet away.
No dark spots or anything I’d call ugly .
Outside last night I didn’t see them at all.

It’s a bit after 7:00 and I have to meet the wife for dinner around 9:00
(45 minute drive to the restaurant )
Will get farther into this for you all later tonight. :bigsmile:

Haha, no prob, Master :bigsmile: Thanks for the info :beer:

The heat sink looks pitiful thin.