i got a ultrafire c8 today. it has crappy nextmode memory. i like the just having hi med low better but can make a 5 mode with memory work. what driver or pill would you recommend? also would like to make it a little more throwy. thanks for any mod advice
I’m not sure where you bought it, but have you checked if there are multiple mode groups?
Switch to low. Wait 5 seconds and there should be a brief off and back on (if it does this then it has multiple groups). If it does then click the switch when it flashes off and you’ll be in another group (high-med-low).
Edit: if it has next mode memory I think it probably isn’t multi mode.
To make it more throwy and give it a slightly warmer tint, a simple de-dome works great. I wasn’t impressed with my UF C8 until I peeled the dome off with my finger tips and now I love it. Quick, easy and makes a real difference. If it has the half orange peel reflector it will be artifact free as well.
yea its just the nextmode and i cant stand it.
the dedoming thing sounds like a good idea
There is very easy way to disable next mode, just add resistor over capasitor.
Probably the simplest mod you can ever do.
Remove star from the pill (desolder the wires from the star), suspend the star in an inch or two of gasoline in a small jar (baby food/mason jar size).
Then you can either check every few hours, or just leave it overnight (a bit of warmth seems to help [ie inside room temp in a sealed jar is better than outside in the garage at 20 degrees]). When you check on it just swirl the jar around a bit and eventually off comes the dome.
Pour some rubbing alcohol on the star, wait for it to dry, pop that sucker in the pill and resolder the wires onto the star.
I’ve heard that some use a drop of… led sealer? I think.
Some just leave it as is. I left mine as is. I’ve re-dissembled it a good 4-6 times since dedome, nothing bad has happened to it yet.

Probably the simplest mod you can ever do.
Remove star from the pill (desolder the wires from the star), suspend the star in an inch or two of gasoline in a small jar (baby food/mason jar size).
Then you can either check every few hours, or just leave it overnight (a bit of warmth seems to help [ie inside room temp in a sealed jar is better than outside in the garage at 20 degrees]). When you check on it just swirl the jar around a bit and eventually off comes the dome.
Pour some rubbing alcohol on the star, wait for it to dry, pop that sucker in the pill and resolder the wires onto the star.
I just leave my light on high, face down on a surface so I get the LED nice and hot. Then just use an xacto knife and pop the dome off. Works flawless every time, no mess.
I’ve never sealed any of my LED’s as well.
Don’t do it on zoomie flashlights.
-Jamie M.

There is very easy way to disable next mode, just add resistor over capasitor.
Or, according to recent discoveries, you can scribble on the capacitor from end-to-end with a plain pencil…
Have a read here.