dedome the green XP-E and you will get razor sharp beam in C8.
I have red XP-E2 sitting in the gasoline bath for another C8, plan to torture it with 2A
the red is rad, but that green is just sick! im really thinking of getting one made.
have you ever thought of doing a blue one? if so, please post results as well.
purple would be different…but no, i mean blue? like the ones used for hunting…for blood trails.
they have them now on certain flashlights, with the police strobe.
i guess u can say it has a purplish tint to it though.
That is strange, you must have broken the wires…
On other hand I am pretty unsatisfied with how my gasoline dedoming progresses, I removed silicone dome from all parts except from the phosphor layer which actually produces the light, It is as if the silicone material is glued into the structure of emitter, does not want to separate easily, I would have to do some heavy scraping to clean it off and that is out of the question. I even managed to remove silicone material from under the power wires but that, not so clean surface is poking my eyes
Previously I dedomed older XP-E red/green without any of this issues…
I’m not sure about these - assembling and getting the reflector centred over the LED is a PITA as when you tighten the bezel down the reflector wants to cant and rotate off centre. Very annoying.