Green thrower

I’m looking for a thrower with a green led. 18650 or 21700. I’m guessing a c8+ is one of my better options, but would love to hear some of your opinions.

Your other option is a Noctigon KR1 which is on sale for 40$ right not if you want something more pocket friendly (18650).

Armytek has a version of the Predator with a green XP-E2 LED:

Noctigon K1 with W1 green

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Kind of always wanted a green light. Have so many other lights that it becomes tough to justify getting a new one unless it stands out in some way.

The KR1 is looking rather nice.

I was wondering the same thing myself and Solkanser response makes total sense to me.

A bit pricey, but I got an Anekim thrower in red and green.

Nice really tight beam, comes with a regular tailcap plus remote switch, includes Picadilly mounts and such if you’re goin’ a-killin’.

Hmm, can’t find my review here, but it’s still on Amazon.

One of the versions of convoy L21 is green osram. L21B I think. Probably more focused than a C8.


edit; Oh wait, never mind, it uses 26350,

L21B with the green Osram is phenomenal.

The C8 will throw further than the KR1. I would only get the KR1 (having had both) if you like the pocket size especially. The D1 is also a sweet pocket thrower with the added coolness of backlit switch (even the new rgb option switch!) and it’s going for $38 New Emisar D1 mini pocket thrower - LED Flashlights

Jackson Lee still has some DM11’s in green osram here:

For a real deal thrower, I’d say the K1. I have one in W2 and it gets genuine “wow!” versus “cool” from the smaller lights.

The Acebeam L17 is a good option for a smaller TIR light.

I ended up going with the KR1. For the price, as well as size. I believe I’ll use it more since it is pocket friendly. Though the L21 and K1 may find a home with me down the road. I also appreciate a light I can use as a club if need be :wink:

2nd vote for Noctigon K1 with Green Osram W1

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