Grizzly's 100th Review! Olight Arkfeld Pro - Better in Every Way

I can’t believe I’ve done one hundred flashlight reviews!

Olight Arkfeld Pro Review – Better in Every Way

5 Thanks

Great review as always :smiley: I especially appreciate the regulation testing.

I tested the white LED with my Colormunki here:

Feel free to incorporate it into your review if you feel like doing so :slight_smile:

Wow, 100 reviews, that’s awesome! This review is great as always!

A friend purchased one of these and let me play with it, it’s a great improvement over the older models and it’s so much more compelling with both the UV and the laser included. I especially like the improved laser, the last model was so weak.
The main white channel has great performance too!

2 Thanks

You are making AWESOME reviews ! Always a pleasure to read them.

Thanks for the kind feedback!