Great review..
Those outputs and throws and runtimes are pretty good!
Nice! Looking forward to testing it. Seems like a nice upgrade to the V6, but smooth ramping that’s not Anduril? Sketchy as usual!
Hey, Sirstinky, you're repeating yourself :D
Oops. It posted twice with one click l. Not sure why.
Thanks for the great review. I was seriously considering reflowing an sft-70 into my v6, I actually have a thread here about it. Ultimately I decided not to, but this has me reconsidering! My only critique of the review is that I would have loved to see side by side beam shots and body pics with the v6. I figured maybe you no longer had it when I was reading the review
You are on a roll with reviews at the moment.
Thanks! I agree. Very impressive performance here.
Having Anduril on this light would be tremendous for me. I adore Anduril and it would allow me to switch to stepped ramping which I prefer. I think one of the big selling points is that the UI is relatively easy to pick up and use without it doing anything confusing, so I totally understand why Thrunite chose not to use Anduril here.
You figured correctly. I don’t have the V6 SST70 anymore I’m afraid. Otherwise I absolutely would have included direct comparison between the two.
Thanks! I just happened to wrap up several around the same time. These days I’ll go through phases where one month I’ll knock out several reviews and then the next month I’ll work on other stuff.