Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

For me, this is an excellent size for an EDC. I like using an EDC in low to med most of the time, as though it were one of the smaller less capable lights. Cell lasts a long time. But on the occasion that, when out and about a bigger light is needed, well, it’s still right there on the belt.

If I know I need 1000 lumens walking out the door, the EDC is still on the belt and an additional, larger light, is grabbed. One that has cell capacity and thermal run time to do 1000 for sustained periods.

Then again, my 3” neck light does 921 lumens…

I too would EDC this and do other lights of this size. But it doesn’t stop me not hating to have to shift through a load of modes.

If there was an easy way to switch the ordering, that would be better than memory tbh, e.g.

Default H-M-L no memory.

However some kind of button press or slider on the driver changes it to

L-M-H no memory.

It would suit all then.

That’s what I’m thinkin’ too. I want a light that has the capability to light up whatever I need lit up. I don’t want to have to think about which light in my collection is the right fit for what I’m heading into. Sometimes, I may not have the chance to exchange lights before I need either a lower or a higher output. In professional audio, the system is intentionally designed to have a certain amount of “headroom” above the highest normal usage levels. It’s not unusual at all to want to have power to spare. But, being able to scale it down to a low enough level is equally important, if it’s going to be useful in the widest range of situations and circumstances.

I don’t want specialist flashlights for every occasion. I want every light I own to be both bright enough and dim enough to be used wherever a light is needed. And most of the time, I want to start on low. Even probably half of the times I need high output, low is still a better place to start. One thing I really appreciate about my Olight S20 Baton is that I can always choose to start on moon, no matter what mode was used last. Then again, with a quick two-click from off, it goes straight to high, so it is really the best of both worlds!

I 2nd that, my “normal” work day is 11 hrs. Get some rest bud.

weekday you guys play?

I've just posted my review of the sample light. Output numbers to follow tonight or tomorrow. ;)

If it’s not to late to get on the list for one in NW, count me in. Thanks.

Is the cool white or natural white an option that we are basically voting on and majority wins?

Will someone be able to purchase more then they signed up for, or as a different led color(if applicable)?

No sir. IIRC there will be 300 NW and 200 CW in the first run. The NW will be very tight and hopefully we can convince those that don’t care about tint to take the CW version. There are far more who want NW than CW so they will be a tight commodity.

Seems the “official” reviewers dance around the issue of mode sequence and mode memory. I won’t be getting this light if I have to click 4-5 times every time turn on to be in “wow” mode.

If you want a “wimpy” light, get a “wimpy” light. Why get this supposed to be “wow” light when what you want is “wimpy” light?

Is the “official” BLF UI is to start in “wimpy” mode?

No one’s dancing around the subject. I am waiting until I do output tests and will add to the subject of output and UI in my review.

Right now the consensus among us that have the preview samples is the modes are not staggered properly and need to be adjusted. This is not a multi-emitter "WOW" light. It's simply bright for it's size. It's not a huge thrower either. It's a compact EDC type light that happens to have decent throw. If you want more throw than this while being a jacket pocket EDC then get an ugly (IMO) C8. You'll still have to mod the hell out of it to get that "WOW" factor from it. The X6 merely does nearly everything very well. It's a decathalon champion.

Not everyone wants the same things from this light and, while a fantastic light, it won't be everything that everyone wants. People like different things and unfortunately many won't get the UI they want. You are likely to be one of them. If that's the case then buy a host once they are available and put whatever driver you want. Go crazy and go direct drive if that floats your boat. Krono, Neal, me and the other testers, all know that there will be many who don't get what they want. Thems the breaks. You want a massive output WOW light go get a big multi emitter that fires up on high. You want a thrower then buy a TK61 or K50 that you can set to start on high every time.

This is an EDC all-around light. It takes me less than a second to flash through unwanted modes if I want turbo. Most of the time I use my lights indoors or walking the dog. I don't want or need to be blinded. I'd rather know exactly what mode it will start in every single time without having to wonder what mode I left in in last. Running through modes from low to high isn't the end of the world and hardly difficult and you sure as hell won't destroy your night vision when doing it. Running through modes from high to low isn't difficult either nor the end of the world but will sure as hell destroy your night vision as well as anyone elses in the immediate vicinity. In my mind that one fact negates any reasoning for an EDC light starting in high. Just my opinion. Your opinion may differ.

This is not supposed to be a “wow” light, it’s supposed to be an excellent EDC.

If you want “wow” you’re going to have to pay for it or mod it. This light can easily do 1600 lumens with 83Kcd if that’s what you want, but no factory is going to produce it that way right out of the box. So if you’re wanting wow and have it come on in wow then your’e going to have to convice some 400 other people to want the same thing.

Pretty sure I also noted that it started in Moon and went to Turbo, with no memory in this sample…which may or may not be the case for the final production light. Would have sworn we’d covered that, but then, I’m forgetful.

So you close your eyes and stick a hand in the jar and pull out whatever light you happen to grab? You cannot tell what lights you have?

Are all your lights you currently have meet such criteria? Are your lights
all have the same brightness? Throw?

Is it not supposed to be a “wow” light? Seems to read that this light is “bright”.

What do you get in Turbo? Is the criterion for “wow” is 1600 lumens with 83Kcd?

Where did you pull the 400 number?

JohnnyMac, please put me down for 1 CoolWhite !

Special Thanks to Krono !

Can I get updated to from 1 no-preference, to 1 nw, and, very likely 1cw? Thanks!

Seems like there is going to be demand for a lot of custom drivers once people get their lights :slight_smile:

I’m in no doubt, for 2.
One cool white and one neutral.

If all you’re here for is to argue, may I refer you to SB and the forum rules.

I pulled the number 400 out of my hat, with nearly 500 lights spoken for that should be pretty close to a total of how many are actually signed up and how many are about to be.

The 1600 lumens is what I’ve actually done in this light at 6.87A. Just about all that any 18650 cell is going to give an XM-L2 emitter when it’s de-domed. It was over 1800 lumens with the dome on. That was the X6 I gave away in my 5000th post.

The purpose of this group buy is to get the manufacturer to take a step forward to meet the needs of the end user, which they have done quite well. They upped power as far as they dared, they changed the UI as best they possibly could for the many different requests that have been submitted. And for the most part they have really hit the nail on the head with this one.

If you don’t like how this light is shaping up, the easy answer is to not sign up for one. The rest of us will enjoy ours immensely, thank you.

So if start from high, then become “wow” flashlight, starting from low become “wimpy” ?
I’m not satisfied with current modes too, but I appreciate willingness to make customized driver. If can’t stand with it, it supposed to no glue on head, so easier to change the driver.
Every people can have different opinion, nobody force us to join this group buy.

Gents (and ladies) .. We are way too close to the finish line here. To make all sorts of changes now would not be in the best interests of the group. The "wow" about this light is what can be achieved at the price point that we have with proper cooperation. EVEN at stock...anybody that grabs an X6 will say "wow".

With that said...I have no intention to mod these SE X6 lights. That is my attraction. A cheap powerhouse of a gift that will rival even the big boys.

Mode levels and mode order were already decided early on (see the OP for all of that instead of reading everything). The ONLY item left up in the air was the mode memory. All other bases WERE covered.

For my issues and usage...memory is a big deal. My coworkers will NOT cycle through 5 or 3 or even 2 modes every 30 to 60 seconds. We need to get 10 hours out of these lights and steady burning is just not possible. Maybe once in a while a battery change but even that is pushing it. I myself would change a battery but my people would be reluctant. They would just keep using their company supplied Strion and let this collect dust as a spare - the opposite of my objective as gifts. A perfect analogy would be a Colt single action revolver (still a quality piece) vs a Colt Python. All I would want to do is squeeze the trigger and not have to manipulate the light over and over and over.

Last...the "list". It gauges what interest is. I can understand that Banggood will start with 500 but does anybody really think that is the end of it? If we order 500 (and pay for) upon "go" then I am fairly certain that Banggood and EE will do everything possible to accommodate. They ARE after-all in the business of selling and moving product. I have committed to and will order 4 but if memory gets added (the reason why mode order should NOT matter) then I will most likely order 10 to start and I do NOT think that Banggood will say "no" just because I have not committed to 10 on the list.