Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

Only place your order if you were in position 501-800.

People in those positions will have received the code this past Friday (2 days ago).

@adnj, it wont get hashed out. It is what it is and youll need to place two separate orders. If you need things to be forwarded then should of thought of that prior to joining

I guess I should qualify my prior post. I’m 530 something. I was supposed to order as per the code PM. I just meant that for those who were supposed to order as per the rules/honor system, that it was possible to order the lights even though they were not in stock. Sorry for any confusion, Krono. I didn’t mean to lead people astray with that last post.

BTW, I don’t think I said thank you to you and the other publicly, so, Thanks!

All three of mine, CW, NW and WW are barely after #500 and I was figuring on ordering the first two after my social security payment is deposited on Wednesday the 12th just to play safe. I hope that there is something left to order by then.

My shipping status changed to: 2014-11-09 17:42, CAN, 波兰 - PL, 交航
Don’t know what does it mean, but I’m happy :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Day Wojto,

It has shipped to Poland by air/aircraft, Congratulations on the soon to be arrival...

Best Regards,


Good to know.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi krono, I think this should be highlighted in the OP. Given Neil’s input, his opinion matters.

My troll detector just went hot.

Good point…done.

No worries…thanks for clarifying.

Glad you are back, BTW. Always enjoyed your posts!

Troll detector? Obviously you didnt read the PM instructions because if you did then you’d CLEARLY see they said to make TWO, DOS, 2, MORE THAN ONE order if you said you were buying CW & NW

In case you didnt care to read past the coupon code I’ll post it here for you; “From trying the code myself, if you are trying to purchase two different tints at the same time, the coupon code doesn’t work (at least for me)
I have found that if you separate the orders, it works just fine.
You can have 2 or more of the same TINT, but two DIFFERENT tints will NOT allow the coupon to go through.
Also, some people have reported that trying to make a purchase from a mobile device doesn’t work. Use a computer and it will work.

I placed two orders, for exactly that reason. I left a note on both saying it could be combined/shipped with my other order, and Neal tells me that’s exactly what they did. It’s why one of my orders has a tracking number and the other is marked as “unverify order”.

I guess I’ll find out in a couple weeks if the orders were indeed combined and shipped in one package.

Yes. I read your post earlier. Your post was the reason that I decided to get both tints.

I wasn’t going to worry because the CW was a late add. I figured I could just stick to one tint or just have the packages shipped to my house in the States. I spend a few months in the Caribbean each year and I decided to forward them here instead of waiting until May to play with them. Besides, there will probably be a new group buy by then. :wink:

Although I cannot possibly understand your angst regarding my post, you may find it somewhat interesting that the PM that I received had none of the content that you so aptly quoted. However, all points that you mentioned had already been made in the original thread. There were also a few salient points there that were somehow overlooked by you, ergo my original post.

So, in the best interests of the forum, please accept my apologies. It was not my intent to raise your ire so succinctly.

Impatience got the better of me so I ordered my 3 NW today.

Have my tracking number (wasn’t on email so emailed customer service) but now have no clue where to use it, tried some of the companies they advertise using, but order not found. Anyone able to help me out?

I just order and forget, never bother with tracking numbers, pleasantly surprised when stuff shows up.

I find that often, tracking isn’t useful for at least a day in the best case. Issuing a tracking number happens as soon as the label is printed. It doesn’t mean that anything moved, except a print-head on a printer somewhere.

Post the number so we can check it on