Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

Put me down for one U2-3C.

Count me in, 1 x u2-3c please.
Not sure if I missed it, but I don’t think we need to pay direct? I await instructions, sorry if I am wrong….

@Johnny, I’m number 7 & 8. I’d like a NW and a CW.


I’m #202 & # 203 - put me up for NW please

(I am Bak, not Back as written in the list - just to avoid possible confusion) :slight_smile:

Again, thanks for doing this

I’m 105 and 106, please make it one of each tint please.

I'll take a NW, #41. Thanks.

I think most here know how forgetful I can be. Well, I took the X6 outside for some pictures and my phone rang. Light in one hand camera in the other cell phone, uh, what to do…so I dropped the light in my pocket and promptly forgot about it. Oops! Forgot to post those pictures too! Dang it! Anyway…I just found the light in my pocket, riding with my keys. I know what your’e thinking, the keys would mess up a light riding around in the pocket all day, crunching when sitting and all that. This dang thing ground brass off my keys! Seriously! The black finish was wearing some brass from my keys, wiped right off with my thumb, no visible damage at all. Gotta be a good HA III coating. :wink:

His eyes are ablaze,
See the madman in his gaze.

Fly on your way, like an* eagle*,
Fly as high as the sun,
On your way, like an* eagle*,
Fly and touch the sun

I’m # 69. Please put me down for NW.

Thank you

#239 1 of each tint please.

Thanks for all the work.

I guess if it matters …126, 127, 128….2 CW and 1 NW.

I may be wrong but I am assuming that upon ordering that Banggood will give us the selection choices there as they do now for the stock unit.

I want one, NW

First post :slight_smile: i just started researching flashlights yesterday
and this one looks to be the perfect first flashlight.

Can anyone explain how this Group Buy business works, i live in Sweden
so will it get shipped directly from Banggood or how does it usually work?

Put me down for one NW. Thanks!

Yes, you pay Banggood and they ship direct to you.

I’m in for one U2-3C. Thanks!

That’s from Iron Maiden right?

So we can order it already? I was still waiting on a response to my previous post, I thought it was working some other way…. :weary:

No, not up for order yet. Krono is still hammering out the details but we should be there soon, I think.

yes the eagle eye flying high here :party:

Well…the first copper board EE sourced did not have a Direct Thermal Path. :frowning: But I found a source for them, and I think we still might pull off the Copper MCPCB. :slight_smile:

AR lens is also a go!

They have also agreed to send out samples. All of this will take time, but is worth it to get the light as perfect as we can. I will give more details this weekend when I’m off from work, and after I spend some time with my family before they really think I’ve lost my mind over this weird flashlight fascination thing…lol…so thanks to everyone for your patience!
