Group Buy Feeler: SupFire M6 XML-2 - [CLOSED]

I heard back from SupFire last night and they are willing to do XML2 with an order of 25 units but not a custom driver. The good news is they are willing to keep the price structure the same.

So are we go or no go? If the general feeling is yes, I will open a sales link in my store.

I’m still in…

I'll have to back out from my 1 piece commitment.

I will stay in.


I’m still in

Still in.

Still in for one.

Im out too, but thanks for all of your efforts.

Is there more room in the pill for the driver than the normal SRK? Will they provide tracking?

Yep, still in.

Sorry, I’m out…

Never handled a SRK, perhaps someone else can answer? Shipping is via HKP so I assuming there is tracking but I will confirm.

Sorry, but without custom driver I´m out, too.

We were just 25 units prior to the cancellations due the the custom driver not being available. We are only at around 5 reservations now so I am closing the GB. Thanks to all who participated and shared valuable thoughts on what the M6 MKII could or perhaps should have been.

I am still in T_T