I just got in a C10 host from Fasttech, I ordered it before it was decided that this group buy was going to be this C10 host. Perhaps it is nice to read some observations on it (I think it is safe to assume that this is the same light that is going to be delivered in the group buy):
reflector compared to a C8 reflector (Convoy C8 host), C10 on the right, with the big hole I guess you could squeeze in a MT-G2:
The pill is the 'standard' C8 pill, in fact the exact pill that is in the Fasttech Ultrafire C8 host, giving space to a 19mm board (why not 20???). So a 20 mm board shaved off a little should work, but I guess it is intended for a 16mm board, automatically centered in the reflector by the plastic spacer that comes with the pill, if an xml-led is used. It also means that some other C8 pills fit right in (like the brass C8 pill that is also sold by Fasttech, or the pill from the Uniquefire UF-T20). But it is handy to use that spacer if the led is XML. If it is not xml, like the xpg2 that comes with this group buy, the centering is a bit trial and error when screwing down the reflector.
The switch is also exact the same (brandless) switch that is in the Ultrafire C8 host. I guess it is a good switch, it does need some soldering and copper braid when used with high amps.
I tried a C8-pill that throwed 108 klux@1meter in the Uniquefire UF-T20, and 90klux@1meter in the Ultrafire C8 host, in this C10 host it is 93klux@1meter. Unlike in the C8 host, I needed the plastic spacer between led-board and reflector to focus the led well (nice, makes centering easy if using a XML-led, -it was the usual fiddling getting the led in the middle with the XP-G2 led that I used here- , and it gives more clearance of the solder connections). And as expected from the reflector having the same diameter as the C8, the throw is the same as the C8. But because the reflector is a bit deeper (has a bit shorter focal length), (without loosing throw) the hotspot is a bit bigger than the C8, which is nice I think. The spill is less wide than the C8 of course.
The reflector works well enough, but shows some rings when looked from the side a bit, as usual with cheap reflectors:
All in all, I like it :-)