Group Buy for the GearBest Ultrafire F13 - Closed?

Ordered one, this will be a hold me over and a comparitive flashlight for when I get this Xpower 26650 @FT

Has anyone tried to fit an mt-g2 in the light?

Did some mods to mine yesterday.

Recap mine was pulling 2.11amps on high with a KingKong 26650 INR.

I was disappointed with the throw and colour despite the good amp draw.

First thing I did was the pencil mod which I hasten to say worked brilliantly. I then moved the red wire to the output1+ with no other changes.

It was now pulling 2.86amps on start up and just over 3.0amps after about 20 secs.

The beam was still horrible though.

I then removed the reflector and the driver and NOTE the led just falls out. There is nothing, no thermal compound or anything holding it in place. The only thing I could see was something that looked like a few drops of something oily.

Next step was to fit an XP-G2 NW on a noctigon. Anyone else doing this I highly recommend using a 20mm star. I only had a 16mm. In order to get the reflector to clear the solder points I have to file the square edge off of the outside of the reflector base. Sadly it still just fouls the solder points, but does allow the white centering ring to seat on the star now. Ideally I’d have liked not to use the white plastic centering ring.

I beefed up the wire (20 or 22 gauge I think) and resolder the driver.

It now pulls 2.46amps on high (showing that an XP-G2 does indeed pull less amps than an XM-L on the same driver, not sure why, but have seen this on 3 other XP-G2 installs).

The colour is obviously way better and the beam is improved. Sadly I didn’t get the XP-G2 perfectly centered, another reason to use a 20mm star if you have one. But throw is massively improved, it now easily out throws my Imalent DDR2 XM-L2, which it was nowhere even close too before.

And oddly the white centering ring seems to work quite well with the XP-G2 giving an almost XM-L sized hotspot.

Overall I think the light is much improved for these changes, which really has only been a LED & star plus moving some wires about.

Thanks OL for the group buy.

I was fiddling with the reflector last night. The focal point seems to be ~3mm below the base. Can anyone confirm that? That's why they use such a tall centering ring.

I had tried removing the centering ring and substituting a 3mm thick o-ring. The beam was very floody. At ~40m, shining into a tree it was almost indistinguishable from my Convoy S6 w/XP-G2 S2 1B @3A, side by side.

Here is the link

Coupon code has been extended: LL0101701 the expiration date is JULY 9th.

nice and thank you for the review you made on GB site.

These are great lights…ready for either basic “tweaking” mods to all out barn burner mods

So far I have just done a very modest mod and this thing chucks some light, even using el-crapo and probably wore out laptop pull 18650’s w/ adapter

Recommended basic “tweaks”

  • pencil lead next mode memory fix
  • move wire to other side of resistor bridge pad for extra power to emitter
  • heatsink compound under star
  • replace the large centering ring (or shave it down)
  • solder braid on springs

Would I be able to put in the 20mm FET driver or will it slip through?

Still waiting on mine.


But…there is a solution :wink:

Wasn’t sure since the shelf looked to be a little wider. Can I order just one of those complete?

The hole in the shelf is definitely >20mm, I measured. There is no one currently selling populated BLF 22DD boards. I don’t think anyone has received one yet, WarHawk-AVG only just shared the widened version 2 days ago. If you need one built up I’d talk to RMM - He’s already assembling BLF20DD drivers for $14-15 here. I would expect lead time on the bare boards from Oshpark to be at least 8 days.

Let’s not forget your awesome 22mm Nanjg style build :wink:

I contacted RMM and he told me if I wait a few weeks he can get some boards to build one for me!

Thanks for the help, and I will be looking forward to receiving this, if nobody beats me to it I’ll make sure to get some photos and numbers.

Sure. If you can’t wait and are able to solder a little you could always order a built BLF17DD or BLF20DD from RMM now and install it using an adapter ring as discussed in this thread. Take careful look at my shared projects on Oshpark to select the appropriate boards for you. The 26mm v11 is the most versatile (when filed down to various diameters), but the 22mm v9b will require the least work. You’ll get 3 boards when you order, so it’s up to you to figure out what works best for you.

Awesome, looks like I’ll get some of those now, I’m sure I’ll eventually find a use for three of them.

You all really do make sure no problem goes unsolved! Thanks!

Hi guys, about this flashlight. Sorry for offtopic…

What battery can it take ? 14550?

this will take a 14500 or an AA battery.

Thank you, is Sanyo 14500 good?

Sanyo is fine but that cell has no protection. Maybe a new thread so others can benefit from your questions? They’ll never find this information buried here.