group buy interest thread for modded C8 XM-L2 with BLF logo Going with Fast Tech and starting a new thread.

Stylin n’ profilin

This thread will be closed if it goes OT.


oh no! How did he get here? Run!!!

(actually, I find Norm is one of the more ok mods there)

I will dye my hair blonde and wear pink underwear if it helps getting this driver working... Actually tivo532 has been a big help til 1AM this morn. Got past the S/N problem - think'n I must have done something wrong - did confirm getting 3.3v to the MCU, but the USB dongle is still not recognizing the presence of the MCU. Between hand soldering all parts on the board, modding the USB dongle (wired in a jumper), building the ribbon cable mod - all untested and all must work perfectly... Gotta be me.

nice to have a 'sub-story' going on in this thread :-) , like the adventures of Snowy in the Tintin books.

Sorry, just 18sixfifty, who's thread this is, is showing interest. Would be cool to have a custom BLF'ers driver involved in this modded, BLF logo light offer. Should re-direct him to the other thread on the driver here:

Yep it would be very cool and if we could get this driver into a production run for this light it would be awesome.

More BLF in the light? Can only be a good thing.

Really , a C12 with this driver!

Pics or it never happ- ... uh , never mind .

Yep, good idea!

How about shaving “BLF” into your hair, instead?

I’ll take 1-2 of whatever. Can we get a BLF lens on it that will shine a big BLF on low clouds like Batman does with his light?

- Joe

No fair, you probably do that all the time anyways…:slight_smile:

- Joe

Can we get the Batman signal??

Fast tech Bulk prices with BLF name printed on them.

ultafire C-10 8.56 (host only) C-8 convoy $8.20 (host only)
XP-G2 emitter $1.89
8*najang 105c $2.35

Pay through me and shipped directly to you if I’m not modding it.

This is of course only if we decide to go with them. Nothing definite yet. I’m still waiting for replies from several others.

Convoy C8 host? Does that mean it only comes with OP reflector? :open_mouth:

Their c10 host has a smooth reflector

I like the deal 18sixfifty :-) , both the c8 and the c10 will be awesome with logo, xpg2 and 2.8A. For me, I will take care of dedoming and some extra chips myself :evil:

Hmm, does 'BLF name' mean that it can not be a logo? (I really liked lightme's logo :-) )

Yeah, put me in for at least one. I’m gonna check with some pals and see if they want in too.