group buy interest thread for modded C8 XM-L2 with BLF logo Going with Fast Tech and starting a new thread.

Sucked in ....

yes yes and yes

Is there a driver I can buy that would suit the GB item, that has 3 modes plus hidden strobe (double click maybe like the Shadow lights). L M H (Strobe). With memory?
How difficult is dedoming? Ive read use petrol. But Im not sure if its easy to screw it up even with proper technique.

I vote for that logo too...very simple and unique

Does this light take a 16mm mcpcb?

Says 16mm emitter, 17mm driver on the product page.

Stupid me. Thanks!

Can we add on to our initial order? Thinking about putting together a few for friends.

Also, do we know how well protected Panasonic Ncr18650B 3400mAh cells fit (snug/tight/need to back off the tailcap a turn/etc)?

It's still the 14mm emitter?

18sixfifty said that he can switch emitter to 16mm when ordering, it’s only +0.01$ so I believe it will not be the problem!

I'm reflowing onto a noctigon since it's in pieces when it gets shipped directly. A couple extra minutes & bucks for 30%+ increase!

^ Pulled from Match's Emitter Test Results.

I still assume that the C10 pill is made for a 20mm board, anyone knows different, what did I miss?

The FT listing says 16mm star and 17mm driver - that looks right from the pics.

I see, did not even read the specs, only looked at the pictures and they just show the driver side of the pill. And it looks exactly like the 'standard' c8 pill, but apparantly with a 16mm cut-out instead of 20. Here is the one from the FT Ultrafire c8 host ( that also fits the Uniquefire UF-T20):

18sixfifty, how is this “Free tracking on orders over $20. You can add stuff to order to bring it over $20.” going to work?
I would like to add couple of more DIY bits and pieces!
Edit 4 hours later: so, is this thing still on or… !!!

You could probably use a dremel to widen the cut out and drill new wire holes.

edit got my answer.