【Group Buy】LT1S Pro with Anduril2, Nichia 519A + 660nm Red LEDs


Will it have flashing pads?


Please include the exact same flashing pad configuration used on LT1 Mini and SP10 Pro!



I love my LT1S. Add me as interested.


Just received my lt1s today. Very interested with the pro version.


-Add anduril 2 no strobe

-With rgb aux (could be fun like obulb)

-Or red aux so it can be used even turned off for lower power consumption

-Add Tripod mount

-If built in magnet is not an option please include a magnetic hook in the packaging

-add Storage case I believe if fits well in sony srs xb series case




Want to get!

Interested - any update?


I’ve been emailing back and forth with Sofirn to get a LT1 driver and button. Ian has been ignoring and deflecting. How do you buy a driver from Sofirn?

Barry and Jackie are pretty active here, have you tried sending them a PM?

Also, Sofirn has the LT1 driver on their website for purchase.

Interested. Ty

im in for sure! and while we are nerding out. When are one of the “solar generator” manufacturers (jackery, bluette, ecoflow…etc…) going to add Anduril to their onboard lights…….it’s a “Because you can!” moment!

Don’t really care about plain red AUX, but I’m very interested in the 21700 519a version mentioned above. Bonus if there’s tripod mount.

18650‘s would still work with a basic tube adaptor if they’re worried about compatibility. Ideally it would be just like the recent Emisar D4K: works perfectly with 21700’s, but also works with unprotected 18650’s in a pinch.