groupbuy (ALIVE) NEW Lumintop Tool AA

interested but depending on price

Interested. Please PM price! Anyone know if anything’s glued down and what size the driver is?

Pre-ordered! Thank you :wink:

Pre-ordered. Thanks!

No one has one yet, we just have the pictures and specs from LT/BG.

I´m also interested in the new AA Tool :slight_smile:

e-mail was added and send

answer received too?

answer received too?

Yes, received your mail

Thank´s a lot :+1:

Ordered one…
What tint is it supposed to be?
Any idea when it will ship?

Nice to get both tail caps. :+1:

PS: now i have doubts whether i used your link or not… What should i do?

Ordered one.
Thanks :+1:

how can the ‘magnetic version’ be 11mm shorter than the ‘plain’ version?
[91 vs 80 mm…]


cannot figure out price
can someone advise?

Just look at the pictures in the first post.
The magnetic tail cap is obviously shorter than the one with the switch.

The magnetic tail cap does not contain a clicky switch - thus shorter, it acts as a twist switch.

To get a price and coupon, feel the form in OP, or PM MadMax.

what pat says... :beer:


PM M4D M4X, or put your email on the space in the first post.

@ M4D M4X
The LT Tool AA was due to arrive yesterday 9/15, and says on the site “under restocking”! May I presume there was some kind of delay with it?
Also, when it arrives, having done the pre-order and paid for it, shall I assume that Banggood will ship it with no need for other procedures?

I’m sorry for the questions, but this is my first participation in Group Buy and my first pre-order :person_facepalming:
Thanks for the replies, in advance!! :+1:

Got an email from Banggood that there are “delays in the manufacturing process”. Will forget about it until it comes as a surprise :slight_smile: