Groupbuy feeler: Klarus XT11GT

Actually the HI version is much more impressive, the main reason they switched to the HD version was because people were complaining about the lower OTF output vs claimed numbers, with the HD emitter it gained about 10-15% output but lost almost 50% of the throw. Trust me you won’t notice the increased output from the HD but you will with the throw of the HI :wink:

I if claimed, unless you compensate the store.
Sorry for my bad english.

I read somewhere that the HI had PWM on the lower modes. Otherwise I would be all about the HI.

I used the code from M4D M4X and received the light about a week ago at a nicely reduced price.

The package I have is one of the original ones.

It throws really well and has plenty of lumens IMHO.

I don’t think that I would have liked a lot less throw in the new package with the different LED in it.

I have all of the XT11 series and this beats them all in every way.

USB charging works well so far.

What else can I say except that I am happy with it and the new Thrunite TN42 monster thrower that I just received to add to the TN40 and Acebeam K70 that I have already.

Is there a way to get ahold of the HI version?

Then I think I did okay-


I received the Klarus XT11GT, I ordered when it was the HD E4 but instead I got the HI D4 with 3600 Mah battery. Not a big loss, as has been posted on CPF the HD E4 is at a lower turbo current to stop over heating. So for me it’s an LED swap to the HD F2 and I get the older higher current. I think unless they lowered the current and used the weaker LED than I’m ^%$@. LED swap should be easier than boosting this driver.

I would like a warmer tint HI

Interested… PM for price please…

Ordered. Thank you

interested but need price first
pm please

Interested. PM for price please. Thanks.

Pm for price please


Interested. PM for price please. Thanks.

Ordered….Thank you.

Hi guys

have you seen this one Klarus XT12GT ?

It looks and update of XT11GT

Pm please

Very interesting!!

The 12GT has 20mm wider and deeper reflector, combined with the XHP35 Hi LED that thing has trow like Manker or Acebeam lights

No wonder they swapped the Hi for HD in the 11GT
In the bigger body they can overdrive the LED like Acebeam does