Gt Nano / Frog Clip?

I really didn’t want to make a new thread for this but i could not find any info regarding this exact topic.

For the GT Nano 10440 tubes, is there anyone making/repurposing pocket clips for them that will somehow intergrate in a useable, clean fashion?

I’ve seen a EDC02’s tube, clip & magnet somewhat “cleanly” fashioned onto a Nano, but that’s about it. And I’m not even sure it threaded down all the way. (The issue here is availability. I can’t find them at a reasonable cost, nor in stock) Link to what ive seen, below.

Additionally, before I came across someone using the actual edc02’s tube itself, I noticed the Gt Nano’s recessed 10440 tube end, which made me wonder if a magnet & clip setup like the Edc02’s could be inserted. Has anyone tried that? (However, with this route, You still have to source an Edc02)

Unfortunately, my Frog kit was sent to me with a GT Nano 10440 tube, so it’s key ring hole is tiny & almost useless for keychain carry. However, it does have a circular recess as if a removable magnet tail was intended to go there, which may open up the possibility for a pocket clip & or key chain style magnet.

Any insight as to what you all have experienced is appreciated.

2 Thanks