I'm Paul's anonymous friend (https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/8611) and created this username for this contest.
The rules:
1) You must be a member of BLF with a registration date of May 18, 2012 or earlier and can be from any country.
2) One vote per BLF member and you must vote here by posting a username.
3) If more than one person guesses my original username correctly I'll randomly select a winner from those members with all having an equal chance of winning except the first one to get it right who will have two chances by being entered twice in the draw from correct guessers.
4) If nobody guesses correctly I'll randomly select a winner from everyone who voted.
5) Mr. Admin is disqualified for obvious reasons and s1mp13m4n is disqualified due to the potential appearance of a conflict of interest. Sorry Paul!
6) Contest closes at 9PM EST next Sunday (May 27) and I'll announce the winner sometime after that. 7) IMPORTANT: I may or may not vote for someone else using my regular BLF username just to throw you off. Which means, who votes for whom doesn't mean jack squat!
Before everyone says Foy Chicago X would have been my second guess, but the lights probably would have arrived in a welded shut Pony Keg and Paul would have said something about that.
I want to go with my original theory and say edc, but I think that the clue is right in the OP... "Mr. Admin is disqualified for obvious reasons". So I'll venture to say it is our beloved Admin. Besides, if I went Foy, the odds of a win are looking pretty slim.
So was it you, sb?
I don't think I can take another week of exciting giveaways.
I think the conflict is that The Shadow is a new ID created by the member who gave away the flashlights (who else would know besides he and simpleman?) and Mr Admin would be able to identify him by matching IP addresses. That's my theory anyway