Not necessarily. If no-one guessed correctly then weiser701 could have been drawn at random.
Not necessarily. If no-one guessed correctly then weiser701 could have been drawn at random.
Good point. I don't think we are ever going to know for sure who it was. :'(
Exactly, and he also said Original name which means its different from the name he currently uses, I am to new to know what people use to call themselves when the forum first started
Congratulations weiser701
Thank you TheShadow for a terrific thread
If weiser701 won then it was BOAZ!
Can't be me ...last time I was involved in a multiple light giveaway it was Mr.admin and we got money from 30+ members .....
plus I have lots and lots of 18650's :P
My guesses were
KLowD9x,Atbglenn,innerlight ,mrbrighteyes,betweenrides,bose301s,dthrckt,turbobb?????..
I just know who it wasn't.
What an entertaining thread - one of the many reasons I love this forum.
Congrats to weiser701, and thanks to The Shadow for hosting the giveaway.
You know... there are at least a few members here who have declared their preference for generally using only NiMH
Sorry i missed even getting a vote in on this one ..
I had to laugh about a guy who has so many lights ...but doesn;t have a single 18650 to throw in with a light ..Seems the oddest part of this entire thread ....but thank God for the Dow being down (or up)... 50$ will buy some nice batteries .
I wonder if this was just weiser all along and we are non the wiser ??
Who knows the evil that lurks in the hearts of men ?
That would be hilarious if Weiser was the Shadow :) That hadn't occurred to me!
What was weiser701's original name? Piers is the only person I could find that publicly changed their name from Pook.
Didn't Mr.BrightLights used to be Madi05 when he first joined up? He's been mentioned as a possible in this thread, but I don't remember anyone naming him as their final guess for TheShadow. Hmm. I wonder...
Congrats weiser and thanks DerSchatten :)
Congrats, Weiser, you bastage!!! :party:
Thanks, Shadow, for a fun contest!!
Didn't Mr.BrightLights used to be Madi05 when he first joined up? He's been mentioned as a possible in this thread, but I don't remember anyone naming him as their final guess for TheShadow. Hmm. I wonder...
I did. I'm the only one afaik and I didn't win. So it's definitely not him.
What an awesome thread, so we still don't know who it was?
It was Match. Aleast that is what I think from looking through the thread.
Told ya he's pulling our collective leg/s.
Congrats to the winner and thanks for the "twilight zone experience"! :D
The man that won the light said it was Boaz. ;)
The man that won the light said it was Boaz. ;)
Apparently TheShadow = Boaz = soytnly = Summer = Semur = The Dino.
I'm glad Boaz is using multiple BLF accounts for good. :p
Nicely done, Boaz! :bigsmile:
(Just for the record, I would have guessed that TheShadow was iseethelight.)
If it was Boaz, I woulda won.
The contest was structured so that we wouldn't know even after the winner was announced.
It wasn't Boaz but the winner according to the rules can be randomly picked if no one guessed right so no one guessed right.
I think more than one person picked him however so just picking him wouldn't mean that you are the winner even if it was Boaz.
Shadow wouldn't even have to pick the winner if only one person guessed correctly. He could just pick that person and say it was a random selection.
I think it was pretty clear given what the Shadow said during the contest that he wasn't going to come clean.
The man that won the light said it was Boaz. ;)
Apparently TheShadow = Boaz = soytnly = Summer = Semur = The Dino.
I'm glad Boaz is using multiple BLF accounts for good. :p
Nicely done, Boaz! :bigsmile:
(Just for the record, I would have guessed that TheShadow was iseethelight.)
You forgot to add Chloe!