Guess the place (the game)

Santa Fe?

No, not Santa Fe. Closer though.

The location shown is in a location with a much shorter history than the city of Santa Fe (founded 1607)

The population of the town is between 16,000 - 20,000 depending on what resources you read

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Exactomundo!!! Trinity Dr and Knecht St!!!

Next up...

First clue:

It's not Palm Desert.

Eastern US?


Second clue:

It's in a Mid-Atlantic state.

If you figure out which state, a Google search gives it away.

As such, this is the final clue.

Babdick State Park?

More like Glade Creek Grist Mill, Babcock State Park, West Virginia.

Close enough!

Do you have a pic to post?

Yes. My turn.
The hint: Tropical Islands
Guess the country where the photo was taken.


Outside Berlin, Germany

Yes. Good time :laughing: Your turn!

Guess the place!

Aviation Display Hall, Museum of Transport and Technology, Auckland, NZ ?
If correct I’ll skip my turn



Who wants to go next?

I’m back…. how about this “where is it?” or Guess The Place

Is it where Don lives?