Guess the place (the game)

Looks like adobe buildings.

(That narrow it down a little.)

Buildings made of sun-dried earth are common in West Asia, North Africa, West Africa, South America, southwestern North America, Spain (usually in the Mudéjar style), Eastern Europe and East Anglia, particularly Norfolk, known as clay lump.


Off the hip I am guessing Timbuktu?

No Peru, no Timbuktu, wrong continents :bigsmile:

It’s Tunisia.

No, wrong continent again. The place is called Nohar.

I skip my turn, I have no picture.

Is this in Pakistan ?

Edit: oops just saw your previous message.

Guess the place.

SS American Star, wrecked off the canary islands.

The SS America. Fuerteventura, Canary Islands


Your turn.

going with the ship theme…

Charles W. Morgan

Mystic Seaport

75 Greenmanville Ave.

Mystic, CT 06355

yep, that is one of my favorite places to go.

that is one of the more iconic statues in the world, but let’s see if anyone else knows where it is.


Yes indeed!

Your turn to post a pic.


Las Vegas, Nevada. Mini Manhattan Skyline.