Please pm price on both, and Thanks!
I’m in, CW 4S please.
For other folks - is the 4x 18650s here worth it? I’ve got quite a few cells on-hand already, but the price here is good.
Price on both please.
Pm price on both
Please PM price for both lights. Thanks.
I am in, MT03 CW 4S AND 4x Sanyo ga 18650.
im in for MT03 NW and MT07 NW .
Payment will be transferred on 25 November 2016 when i return from holiday
Interested depending on the price.
Please could I have the prices for both lights?
Can someone confirm exactly what the difference is between the 2 different Barry configurations?
From the reviews it sounds like they are very picky on the cells they like. So if you don’t have a matching set of GA’s then it would be worth it to get a set.
Interested in price
Interested in MT03 NW. Maybe someone wouldn’t mind explaining to me the net differences in battery configuration
Interested in MT07, depending on price.
Please PM.
I’m interested, can I get the price on both please?
Hello. Please pm me price for both please
Interested in both lights.
Please PM me the price. Thanks
Pm me the price please, thx.
I am interest depending on price.
MT03 NW 4S and MT07 NW 4S, one of each, separate orders.
Thanks in advance.
which versions accept protected cells ?
MT03 2s2p
MT03 4s
MT07 2s2p
MT07 4s