Interested in price
Can I get the price for both thanks
I’m in for 1 MT07
I am also a little bit confused with battery configuration. From reviews there is no word about 4S configuration, only 2S2P. Why is now that option, maybe it is 4 Cell included or what?
PM info please.
Hi, I’m interested in NW for both MT03 and MT07 please.
I would like to know the price on both lights.
I’m in for the MT03 NW 4S
I’m in for the MT03 NW 4S…
Please tell me the price for both.
I am in for a MT03 NW 4S and four batteries. Thanks.
I’m in for an MT03 NW 4S + four batteries.
Interested, depending price.
Please PM price.
Please PM me price
I asked thier rep. the differences in the battery configurations, this is what they replied,
Brightness is the same. 4S will mantain brightnes when the battery voltage drops.But runtime is shoter.
2S2P brightness goes down slowly when voltage drops. It has longer runtime.
Both are good. Its for your choice.
PM the price of the MT03 please
I’m for MT03 NW 4S with 4 Batteries. However i will transfer on 21 Nov.
Hello, I’m interested in mt04 and mt07, both NW 4S, thanks.
PM the price of the mt07, both NW 4S,and Shipping cost to argentina,thanks.
Curious about both lights, please pm details