Light just looks good in all colors.
Okay, about this… the top beamshot pic with more throw where you can see the hotspot, that’s the 35, and the bottom beamshot pic that’s floodier, that’s the 70, right?
All the “Whups, I had it backwards” that followed was confusing.
Frankly, I like both, but I think for all the oomf reaching far out, the 35 is better for me. As someone else mentioned, lots of lumens so close in might just be blinding close-in.
Some beamshots on an open field against a forest edge at about 100 meters.
I think that gives a good image between 35hi and 70.2.
:+1: That blue is something though!!! That way when I’m blue
I can literally kill the dark!
yes, im interested.
I’m interested in a blue 35hi, although depending on price I may also go to a 70.2 also.
Interested here as well
Interested in a NW 70.2 version (body color: Silver/White - or one of the more fancy ones ).
This flashlight looks very interesting!
I’m interested in a blue 35-Hi depending on the price.
Thank you.
Interested in XHP70.2 silver or blue.
Agreed. Probably a darker, more NAVY BLUE would look much better. It would be the most beautiful anodizing ever.
I’m interested in a XHP35 one, but I would really love a more “mature” blue tone. Otherwise I’ll go with the green.
interested if the price is good…. probably in 70.2 CW … color black, navy blue…
The offical Pre-sale group buy thread will be posted Thursday.
The exact time I can't say just yet.
Dale has asked me to coordinate the pre-sale group buy and I have agreed.
I promise I will get it ready and posted as fast as I can and as early on Thursday as possible.
This feeler has been a great success and that is thanks to all of you.
Dale has followed this feeler very closely. He may not get to all questions buy he does follow what everyone expects from these 2 new lights and there is a very good reason that none of this is being rushed. They will be rock solid when you get yours and nothing less than that will be acceptable to Haikelite.
They are moving in a new and I believe an excellent direction and great things will be coming.
Customer service will be of the highest priority.
I can now answer with Dales permission that he really does not work for Haikelite although he does work at Haikelite and very very hard.
He is in fact a large shareholder and does own a very large part of the company.
Now with that said I ask a favor of our members... Please let's not bombard him with questions. As we have all seen on this thread he will jump right in and answer questions as time permits. And I am sure he will continue to do that.
I will answer all that I can and get an answer for the one's I do not know the answer.
The samples for testing and review will be arriving soon. I can't give an exact date. An informed educated guess sometime in the next week (business week).
I will get everything typed up and posted as quickly as I can.
Everyone please feel free to use this thread for discussion as much as you like as some of the information here can help answer questions that someone still deciding may not have noticed.
Thank you all again for the great turn out and your show of support.
This is going to be a great year and I look forward to sharing it with all of you in this fourm I now consider my home.
This looks really exciting the beamshots look nice. hopefully we can gets some lower setting beamshots as well.
Those emitters are known for pretty green tint at lower levels if I am not mistaken.
Thank you Terry White! Looking forward to finding out more about the MT09 and owning one here in the near future.
It’s awesome that Haikelite is Listening to there customers and I am expecting one great flashlight with there new MT09!
As soon as samples arrive if you do not see a beam shot either in a still or in video of what I post just ask and I will post what ever beam shot you may want to see.
Thanks a lot Terry! Looking forward getting my hands on the new Haikelite! :+1: :sunglasses:
Could you sell batteries to be sent inside the flashlight as in the group buy of MT03 / MT07 that Haikelite Official organized at the end of 2016?
A big question:
Will the GB run long enough for us to see the reviews before buying?
When I get mine, I’ll let all y’all know.