HaikeLite XHP70 Thrower Prototype Sneak Preview

Just measured the Convoy L6 head and reflector.

L6 head at the bezel: 73 mm (75 mm at thickest point, lower down)

L6 reflector: 63.0 mm I.D., 67.5 mm O.D., 48.5 mm depth

As posted in the OP, the MT07 has a 72 mm I.D. and 68 mm depth, so with the extra 9 mm of I.D. width, the MT07 should definitely out throw an L6 with everything else being equal (LED/amps). The extra 20 mm of depth should mean the spill on the MT07 should be narrower by quite a bit, so that should make the spill area brighter, maybe a slight bump in throw, maybe... Good comparative beam shots should make it clear, but we'll have to wait on that - hopefully those great garden beamshots done in Germany will soon include the MT07.

Thread here on bluzie's garden - he's got posts with lots of beamshots: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/37084

Here on the German TLF: http://www.taschenlampen-forum.de/threads/933-beamshots-mit-lampenbildern.27575/