Halloween Post

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Can I put my favorite Nazi Zombie movie here ?


That was actually a good movie! Now, this one on the other hand: :zipper_mouth_face:

(Editing to add)
(Spoiler Warning)
For any who haven’t seen the film featured in the trailer above:
The film is a zombie horror film about a small town where the locals are being zombified by locally grown beef tainted by Mad Cow Disease. As a result, the zombies shamble around the town mooing. Also, in a climactic scene, a character is attacked by a…

(Don’t read any further, it will spoil the surprise…)

If that doesn’t make cinematic excellence, I don’t know what does.

LOL! Watching Ernest Scared Stupid at this very moment.

Bulgarian Miak anyone?

Ha! I think I got a copy of DS here somewhere… :smiley:

It’s got Billy Zane? Sold!

I… must… have… this!

If we’re doing Nazi zombies we have to check these guys out…

between that movie and Jaws coming out when I was a kid it’s a miracle I ever went swimming again