Halloween Post

Awesome Korpzgrinda.

Another one for my must-get list! :smiley:

0:45 — carry a flashlight

craig-IL, that image is very inappropriate for BudgetLightForum.

Please take it down.

Nazi zombies or real Nazis represent the worst of humanity. The only good thing that can learned from them is how not to become them. Nothing should ever be done to glorify Nazis. Halloween is meant to give a finger to death in a fun and scary way. Today is the day of the dead in some cultures. Maybe we should all take a moment and say a kind prayer to people lost in war.

I heard there were some very fine people on both sides.

craig-IL says this:

And his signature is this:

Yeah, please no, buddy. This ain’t the place to soapbox, so please cut it out and chill out, would you kindly.

Nope, it’s hostile if not hateful. Like that “youtube joke” you posted.

This is definitely not the place for it.

Super silly question of the day. If led flashlights have properties of sunlight why oh why are they not used to kill and injure vampires ?

Well Blade did use a super strong UV lamp to roast a fat vampire in one of his films.

I always liked Plants vs. Zombies. Fun game. I think frozen peas are harder on zombies than flame peas. Disco zombie is the worst. Zombies in this game are omnivores but prefer brains.

Anyone see the Blade TV series? I thought it was funny that they cast Sticky Fingaz as the lead. :smiley: haha!


Okay, one reply, then I’m done.

At best, it was tasteless, knowing lots of people here are Christians of whatever denominations. At worst, as I said, it was rather hateful. And as hot as the chick was, physically, the character just seemed full of hatred and rancor. Beauty is skin-deep, but ugly goes to the bone.

So just turn it around. Instead of a Hateful Jewish Chick, make it a Hateful Christian Chick, and the monkey or whatever wants to convert to become a Jew.

“No! No! That’s f’ed up! The Jews are responsible for all of today’s problems!”

“No, they’re not! All I want to do is sit and eat matzoh all day, that’s all!”

“Okay, so if you want to become a Jew, then experience what the Jews did!”, then she locks him in a chamber and gases him with some Zyklon B, and he dies a slow and horrible death while she watches and laughs.

So… would you take that as good-natured ribbing, a real knee-slapper of a joke? Or would you rear up and start screaming “Antisemite! Antisemite!” at the top of your lungs?

Now, if you still don’t get it, then you never will. Either way, I’m out.

this kid sounds like a Nazi… foh

A jew supremacist is no better than a nazi. Also this kid is such an obvious baiter, I wouldn’t even call it a troll, just a regular s**tposter.

3.Please avoid controversial or divisive subjects such as religion and politics.

back to the other kind of creepy! heheh

That is legit creepy and I love it. Congrats on these art projects!

I wish I could congratulate the people that created them. I surely can’t take any credit for these. They are just random found pics. Maybe one year though!