Of course, I forgot the KR1 is a 18650 light then it’s out just like the D1, and only the D1K stands in terms of really good small-host SBT90.2 Hank options.
The only two other options with a Hank brain are then the K1 (as Hank itself calls it, a “medium”) or a large one like the Frankenlight/Hankonvoy 3x21D/4x18C with a DM11 driver board like the one you made.
It’s interesting to note that going the Hankonvoy route would not only yield a (way) more capable light, but also be less expensive, as it would cost just $75 for the 4x18C plus the $12 you mentioned for the DM11 board… round it up to $100 and it’s still quite a bit less expensive than the $140 Hank asks for his K1 (which AFAIK is his best-performing SBT90.2 light).
Of course, a lot of elbow grease is required to assemble the Hankonvoy… which makes me wonder why some enterprising soul isn’t offering it yet for us less-capable dummies (hint, hint! )