I’m out camping with the family this weekend. Having a good time at Lake Navarino. After dark went down to the lake to see the other side of the lake with some long range throwers. Gave one to each of my daughter’s - modified tk61, modified tk75 and stock TN42.
Had a neighbouring flashlighter shining a light. I went to ask him about it he said it was a led Lenser (not my favourite). Right after that another person asked me about my lights. In my flashaholic history that’s the first time a stranger asked me then and there about my lights! Happy as a pig in mud!
Glad to see that you're happy , and for the 2 reasons.., being with your family and doing what you like, shining the night ! So , you are bringing the LIGHT in the wilderness...
From small Amsterdam brewer ’t In
Named after the river IJ yet ij sounds the same a ei in Dutch, ei means egg
Paas or pasen is Easter
So Easter egg hence the pic on label
With a BLF connection, Jerommel brought me the bottle since they are not for sale here.
I’ve just got back from being away and read your op pp. Theres nothing quite like the feeling as a pig in, whats that, mud?
Sounds like you had a terrific time. :+1: