I’m well aware that this design would have several negatives in all likely hood including poor thermal transfer properties but I think it would still be an interesting thing to have.
Has there ever been one?
I’m well aware that this design would have several negatives in all likely hood including poor thermal transfer properties but I think it would still be an interesting thing to have.
Has there ever been one?
Host? Do you mean a triple drop in? There are P60 drop in triples, Sportac was one IIRC
Sorry, my bad. I think theres good reason its not available. If it did exist, it would be simply for the sake of it. Not that theres too much wrong with that, as long as others never find out.
No I meant 3 full size separate P60 modules
Why stop at 3? 4 would be easier to design and build for. p60 version of this perhapse?
I have been thinking the same thing for at least a year+.
It would have many advantages, not the least of which the ease to swap emitters/drivers. But for 3 x P60's, you would need a pretty large head and the heat sink would need to be custom machined. I think it is totally doable, but would require a lathe. Hey, maybe that could be something O-L could do with his new toy?
Looks good Serifus, now who’s gonna make this for us?
Yeah the ability to try different combinations, always have the latest and greatest emitter would be very cool
Fenix TK-45 is the closest I could find. Also is the Uniquefire K107 FENIX TK45 clone - with U2s and 2 x 26650 batteries!! UniqueFire K107 Both are going to need modding to get to your specs. The Uniquefire has one thing going for it, its mode selection high(3 leds on)-med(2 leds on)-low(1 led on) is going to be a plus in simple modding. I’d be very happy with double P60 host. Flood in one throw in the other. Just to make it fun a side by side battery tube.
How are you going to control 3/4 distinct drivers? A separate switch for each?
This sounds like a good idea for a scratch build entry.
how about a circuit like this for a “main driver board” to control them all. maybe add in a simple battery level led circuit under the button
Main driver to control all would be cool but I think it would be fine even if they were all independent, 3 separate switches and batteries. Obviously the batteries would need to be treated as separate units at different charge States but this would be just a cool little toy to experiment with not a EDC affair.
This would be awesome cuz it would give me somewhere to store all my p60 modules!!!
I disagree about that, as it adds un-needed complexity. The easiest way to go about it is to have some mosfets, and a drain resistor on the gate, on a board and then run a regular tail cap switch somewhere that turns the mosfets on. So that way the switch is not the weakest link in that circuit, which it would be. Otherwise you end up with something fairly ridiculous fairly quickly… remembering what mode 3-4 different drop-ins are running on quickly becomes un-feasable. ploping in 3-4 of the same drop-ins into a host becomes the better option much quicker, even if they just have the same amount of modes. that’s all it takes.
Look at this thread at Cpf.
That’s a interesting read, how cool would it of been had solarforce ran with this….
They won’t do anything like that unless someone else makes one first. I might give it a try, but i to clean up a workspace first.
Welp, i might have found a good deal on a local 7x12 lathe, if i can get it! Ill be able to make a quad p60 host, if not, i might make up some cad designs and have a loval shop make it for me
Blackshadow Terminator… With 4x P60s, may be a Noctigon M43 rival? J)
If that’s not possible, how hard would it be to install triples into a BST with Carclo optics? Might be a project worth doing later.
It would definitely require some creativity, the reflectors on the terminator are 25mm, and the heat path that using tripples would need would not really be very good. It might be easier to do something like that from scratch then to convert an existing light. Although apariently the t-90 i linked to uses 21mm reflectors, and has a more direct heat path so it would be the better candidate for 4 triples then the terminator
Since this is a from scratch project might consider 26650 format to handle the current demands.