Have Driver, Need Host Suggestions

While I continue working on the 1A Buck Boost driver thread Here, I will be looking for a budget flashlight host suggestions. So if people can think of some hosts that will have a 17mm (Nanjg 105C size) driver, and a XP-G emitter, it would be appreciated. Not looking for a thrower, and I already have a couple of XM-L’s lights with massive flood.

Edit: Oh, forgot to say, a 18650 battery form factor

I would suggest making a P60.

+1 for the P60.

third vote for a P60 host. Lighthound has the stainless steel L2T on sale for $40…

So that means any C8 type of flashlight would do it?

C8 hosts a different kind of ‘drop-in’ that screws into the host. Many C8s do take a 17mm driver, though they have larger reflectors than P60 type lights. Many tend to see C8 lights as a good all-around performer. They’re surprising small.

Something like this one.
They also carry parts for the P60.

Trustfire t2 would be excellent to prove your driver as it demands a one sided driver.


This is getting interesting. Is adding adding a different emitter/star board to these Ultrafire/Trustfire lights a problem? Thanks everyone for the links and the help.

I have added a couple of resistors and a cap to the bottom of the buck boost board, will that be O.K. height wise? Does the T2 use a spring for the driver/battery contact?

It may be ok, its a side switch host, so the driver has to contact the output side of the switch, I can’t remember if the spring is in the driver or switch or what space is left behind the pill.

If you need to know, i’m modding tomorrow night, I can whip the pill out and take a few pictures/measurements for you. I just like the t2 and dislike p60 designs, that’s just me. :slight_smile: plus or comes with an xp-g already fitted, means you literally just do a driver swap.

In answer to your first question, provided the host driver is 17mm, yes its a straight swap in any of the *fire lights, your other option is a diy host, but then you have to buy an emitter too. Hope this helps, its an interesting project you have going, if you can push it to 2a - 3a it would be a very nice option, as is it would be good in many of the edc sized hosts where heat is an issue.

You got me looking, and here is the DrJones post. If the two sided Nanjg 105C is too tall, then my driver is going to be too tall also? The inductor height is going to be 2.8mm, plus 1.6mm for the board, plus next to nothing for the resistors. Otherwise, I like the looks, and the side switch of the T2. Also took a peek at the T2 review and teardown on BLF.

A P60 seems more universally upgradeable.

You can get a WF-501B from DX for $7.5. Bought one an dropped in a P-60 with XP-G2@1.8A. Works like a charm, and has a nice beam.

Doesnt the T2 have an electronic side switch? Would that work with your driver?

Also.. if you want a really nice P60 light, get a Solarforce L2P.

Or, what I think is a nice EDC host, is the D7:


In the first picture there is a ring on the right. That would be the retaining ring to screw down the driver (some flashlights have that).

No problem if the T2 is an electronic switch.

The screw in retainer could be a problem on the D7, because there are three passives on the bottom right near the outer edge. The other thing is the inductor height, and it’s not centered, so it would be tippy canoe when screwing down?

Excuse me, what? Tippy canoe? What is not centered?

Me sorry, me German. ;)

Also, there is no need for the retaining ring. You can just solder the driver in like with any other light (brass pill).

I'll post you some measurements on the D7 pill and a P60 pill tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep. :)

T2 is mechanical clicky, it works with a stock (ok stacked) nanjg driver, its as simple as they come. Just the space behind pill could (likely would) be an issue in this case, I’m still on the one sided iteration of this driver, we got all fancy now :slight_smile:

I’m going ahead with the Ultrafie WF 502B. It looks simple, and I can see how the P60 pill and driver work together for cheap. Sorry for my ignorance on what is second hand for most folks here. My flashlight universe has been limited to old worn out maglites, until just recently.