Okay I know I have brought this up way back when but I have a friend who is actually a really nice guy but he’s driving me crazy with his Monster light brand power star I showed him my Ace beam K40M and my X60 with XHP70 and he said nice and asked where they were made I told him they are top tier Chinese based company ,he then asked what the lumen rating was and I told him the K40M was 3000 and the X60 5000 and he asked wher was it stamped and he found interesting after all the claims the light sade over seas the Guinness world record for a hand held flash light is held by wicked laser s 4000 lumens and none of they high lumens claimed by Chinese lights have claimed the record and he talked to Howard the CEO of Monster brand told him his powerstar is the second most powerful light in the world and it’s made in America amd has its lumen rating proofed on its battery tube and some strange law he insists if it’s stamped on its tube than that is by law what the light is rated at and since the Ace beam doesn’t have it stamped on it it fails to meet claimed spec? So I found these links and the similarities are scary https://shop.monsterflashlight.com/product-category/1200-3300-lumens-max-tactical-flashlights/?orderby=price-desc and then Kiadomain had http://www.kaidomain.com/Product/PhotoGallery/53084/210062#id=4 and over 00.00$ less so my question has anyone done a review on a monster light?
Nothing comprehensive I could find.
same friend I guess I got my feathers a little ruffled when he insulted my x60 Sunday and I can’t find any test or eviews anyone did so I can forward to him does anybody have a stencil kit and white paint so I can paint 5000 lumens on my battery tube so it will be official?
He sounds like a kid… is he? :~
light junkie
I wonder if those Monster flashlights are made at the Atlanta Flashlight Factory ?
from Chinese host and parts.
Also, I bet your buddy pays too much for his HDMI cables too. :bigsmile:
for monster and Kiadomain and see for your self and no he’s in his 50’s and I know if o ever need help he would we just don’t see lumen to lumen on lights and I think my feelings are more hurt than his but are their any reviews say CPF or anywhere so I can send him a link?
So far nope. But have you tried explaining to him that lumen rating cannot be printed on to be “official” but measured so every light has varying lumen rating even if they were of the same make
I believe this is the OEM/OBM for Kai Domain. The KD brand flashlights can be found here. You can even order some up with whatever brand you want laser etched on it. You can have one branded Monster with 10,000 lumens if you like.
Yes I thought maybe monster bought from KD and rebranded and marked up for 100.00+
So some guy is insulting your higher quality, better performing flashlight?
Same guy spent $220 for maybe 3300lm and probably another $40 for 3 same branded 18650 cells. They charge $30 for an i4, $45 for a D4 so he probably got one of those too.
Just Laugh about it.
he said it was a xmlu2 with a constant current driver and runs at 2.0 amps ,I tried showing him the Wikipedia led site with the cree leds types and amperage and he said my led wasn’t even on there probably some unknown knock off led because ehes never seen one like it anyhow I guess I’ll let it go I just wish someone would get one and review and post the results ove checked CPF her on BLF and of course no one monster lights serious enough to do one and o almost bought into th a couple of years ago and than God memebers here steered me away from them I just hate what they charge and blatantly lie about performance and being made in America

light junkie
I wonder if those Monster flashlights are made at the Atlanta Flashlight Factory ?
from Chinese host and parts.
Also, I bet your buddy pays too much for his HDMI cables too. :bigsmile:
that’s pretty much the same hustle
Atlanta Flashlight Factory II: Electric Boogaloo
This whole Monster brand flashlights, batteries and cases business is making me a very confused consumer.
To: legal@monsterproducts.com ; IPProtection@monsterproducts.com
Subject: Monster Flashlights and Batteries
I am very confused. Are the Monster flashlights and batteries sold at monsterflashlight.com real monster flashlights, batteries and cases?
Since I don’t want myself or my friends who told me about Monster flashlights, batteries and cases to get ripped off, I thought that I’d ask you before I make a purchase. There are so many counterfeit Monster products out there and products with the Monster name on it.
Thank you
Then just buy one of these bad boys. With "16000 LM" stamped on the tube, it's legally bound to be legit, by law! :bigsmile:
Too bad this one isn't stamped appropriately...
28,000 Lumens in a single-emitter zoomie! This has got to be a record!
or this one...
30,000-Lumen Single-T6/Single-18650 for only $8.99!
Even better, a 30,000 lumen LED headlamp, that somehow pushes a generic emitter to insane levels without heat sinking!

Then just buy one of these bad boys. With “16000 LM” stamped on the tube, it’s legally bound to be legit, by law! :bigsmile:
Too bad this one isn’t stamped appropriately…
28,000 Lumens in a single-emitter zoomie! This has got to be a record!
or this one…
30,000-Lumen Single-T6/Single-18650 for only $8.99!
Even better, a 30,000 lumen LED headlamp, that somehow pushes a generic emitter to insane levels without heat sinking!
wow yep that is bound by law to male it 12000 lumens where can I get it?I want one hey where is that Futurama clip where it says hurry up and take my money?it would be very apropreiate right about now lol
Hahaha... They never package it with 10,000mAh Ultrafire 18650 ?

30,000-Lumen Single-T6/Single-18650 for only $8.99!
Iz teh eBayz! Only $83!
The best thing to do would be to educate him…send him a link to BLF.
someone should sell “monster” lights on eBay at low prices.
that would get monster steamed up.

The best thing to do would be to educate him…send him a link to BLF.
I have he said he doesn’t like BLF because they only deal with cheap chinese lights,and he told once he went and asked on CPF about monsyer and that is where he got the idea that if the lumen rating is ecth3d into battery tube than that was it a cull out but and xmlu2 s are the latest emitters I would really like to see someone do a review on one maybe Iam wrong but it would be fun to find out .