Have heard a lot of mixed reviews on Imalent and curious to see how many people actually have issues. If possible, please comment the model of your flashlight as well as your answer!
somehow I am not able to vote so I will add comment. I have DN35 (I think from January 2018) which I don’t use very often - lets say few uses per month. I always treat my flashlights with care but anyway the left button (or maybe some part of the circuit) has died like two months ago - all of a sudden and not during the use of the flashlight. The left button is used for turbo activation and to activate the display. At least the main power button still works so I am able to turn on the light and toggle through some power levels but I am not able to use turbo anymore. For me personally that means no more Imalent, at least for some time during which they will hopefully improve their QC.
I feel left out and want to click something even though I don’t own an Imalent. Could you add an option for “I might but their reputation worries me” for people like me? It gives us something to click AND shows the sales they’re missing
I voted yes but it was resolved. My DN70 failed after a week of use. From the get go I noticed the build quality was poor. For instance you could unscrew the reflector and lens and have access to the led. When doing this the reflector would rub against the led. I probably got a few walks with the dog. I got the light dirty so I washed the light with some water. Water penetrated into the display and the display quit working but The light would still work. Then one day I reached for the light and the led flashed and I saw some smoke and that was it. The led would just glow faintly but never turned on after that. I’m tempted by the new lights and hoped they would get better but I don’t want to spend $200 on a dx80 or $400 on an ms12 if it will not last. I bought the light through GearBest and they refunded my money and all is well with my other lights.
I think it’s ok here because those people considering an Imalent will be worried. He’s not trying to lead anyone, cuz on one hand you have innovative design and output, while on the other hand potentially a brick of a torch and waste of money. That is all part of the consideration. Some may opt for it despite the concern, others will swear off Imalent forever. Both Have considered their reputation its current tarnished state.
The problems with these polls are gonna be what I have seen before there isn’t enough of us active to really give any kind of accurate picture. If you add too many options to a poll IMO it broadens the poll results to the point you can’t see any kind of real data. How can you count someone who says “they want a light but scared of issues” as a negative to a light? We could do the same thing for the new Iphones add an option “want a new iphone but it is too expensive” what does that show… nothing other than if people have the money they will spend it, if they don’t they won’t. Point being just look at active reviews and search around and educate before purchasing, I talked to several vendors before buying my previous DX80 and MS12 and they seemed to say that the issues with Imalent was over blown, and that failures weren’t as bad as people make out. I won’t give out names but that is what made take a chance and get a second DX80, not gonna cover it I had one DX80 that had some weird battery charging issues Imalent didn’t act like they wanted to help than all of the sudden said to send the light to the them and they would replace the whole light and they cover shipping back to me. However I just decided to send the light back for a return, however it was such an awesome light I took a gamble and picked up another one and than later an MS12 both worked flawless, I wouldn’t have recently sold my MS12 if it wasn’t for finding out my wife bought me one for Christmas and I didn’t have the heart to tell her I already had one.
Other than a single user on this forum with a faulty fan on the MS12 I haven’t seen another newer Imalent product with issues between this forum and Reddit. NOT saying it was the ONLY one just saying the only public one, if there is one thing we can agree upon people with issues with post a lot more than people happy with an item.
This is beyond silly look at the product failures from Apple, Samsung, and Google phones do you not purchase one of them due to these issues? I would gauge their failure rates quite higher than these lights, so really you think adding this aids any to real data in a graph. Saying essential if a said product had 0% failure I would buy it. Everything has failures, the biggest thing to find out is how wide spread the issues are
I 100% agree, which is why I just left an option for people to say that they’re considering. I didn’t initially include that because people can actually click the tab that says “Results” and not participate in the poll, but it was requested so I added it.
I agree that the issues with Imalent are blown out of proportion, since angry people often complain whereas happy people don’t say anything — this is why I started this poll, so any user who has an imalent product can provide their input independently and not have one case circulating the forum over and over again.
Tis more silly to compare complex smartphones to Imalent flashlights, and I always carry the insurance on my phones no matter the brand so….And I agreed the “consider” language was fine before you ever posted …and hey I like to participate in polls, can you blame a person lol
I had the same problem with the same torch. I semi pulled it apart and it was a mess of wiring inside. Gave up on the idea of trying to repair it and tossed it in the bin as well.
1. IMALENT DT70 bought in March2017: Two spare O-rings was missing in the package, otherwise everything vas ok.
2. IMALENT DN70 Mars 2017: No problems at all
3. IMALENT DN35 No1 April 2017: The USB loading cable was missing when the flashlight arrived, but the biggest problem with this flashlight was that it after a short running time shuts off and becomes completely dark. If I the shut it off manually and then put it on again it starts to shine just like it suppose to do. But after a vile it shuts of the light again, and so on.
4. IMALENT DN35 No2 April 2017: I got this flashlight from Banggood in July 2017as a replacement for the first, non-functional DN35, (after a lot of mailing) To my great disappointment was this flashlight dead on arrival! I tried it several times with two different full loaded IMALENT original batteries, but without any success.
After a very long e-mail conversation I finally got my money back for this flashlight from Banggood
Of course, it has been quite a long time since my IMALENT experience. I hope IMALENT has a significantly higher quality now. In other respects, the company makes flashlights with brilliant performance and obviously belongs to the top layer of manufacturers.
Well, There is problem with Imalent PERIOD. I am speaking from Engineering background ( I am a Mechanical Structure/Interface Design Engineer ).
The Engineering process has to be perfect from top to bottom. Meaning correct layouts, autocad/cad/catia/solidworks drawings(blueprints) to proper Electrical Engineering to production and assembly of light.
Only then QC/QA falls into play. If correct Engineering process is done then QC will aid BUT not be main factor for functionality of light. Correct Engineering is the KEY.