what is the best easiest and cheapest mods for the hd 2010 and can a newbie do them ??? and is there any web sites or videos that can show you how to do the mods step by step thanks >)
The easiest mod i would do to the light would be swapping the led maybe upgrade it to an xml U3 bin. All you would need is a soldering iron, solder, and some thermal paste.
Read some of old lumens builds for information what to do with the led and how to swap it out.
For example look thru the pics
Would you notice the brightness difference though?
I’m not so sure if the T6 and the U3 can even be distinguished from one another in terms of brightness.
Maybe look into a copper base for less thermal sag?
Yes it can.
Beamshot mouseover comparisons here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/11104?page=1#comment-243407
You want the second (smaller) mouseover for T6 to U3, all other factors identical.
ok thanks guys is there any more that you can do to it ??
Actually just this morning I soldered copper braid from the springtip to the driver and from the tail spring tip to the switch to reduce any resistance from the thin springs. Haven't put it in the IS yet but to my eye it made a difference. Will update once I check for an OTF increase.
well just got my hd 2010 now it time to start modding it
I would like to mod it to eliminate the 2 blinky modes altogether.
I did the U3 1C mod on my HD 2010, purchased from Intl-Outdoor. Used Arctic Silver epoxy to glue the star - didn't do anything else really, maybe used some thermal grease on the threads of the pill. It definitely has a more yellowish tint now, which I like. Appears to be brighter, though don't have the means to verify it. Used it heavily during the 5 days of not having power from hurricane Sandy - tailstanding is fantastic with this light - on mid it lights up an entire room. The HD 2010 was the perfect bathroom light for taking showers . Definitely my favorite room light, besides it lighting up the entire block on high...
Still want to mod this with a KD V2 driver, 3.04A with 2 more 7135 380's, bringing it up to 3.8A - probably in the ideal range for this light with a U3.
This is my 3rd mod and it was certainly easier than the others. With the driver mods, my UF F12-A came out fantastic, but my other light mod is a disaster - think I ruined 2 drivers now. Waiting for aluminum solder paste (bought here...) to come in - soldering to aluminum is crazy difficult to get it right. Hoping this SOLDER-IT stuff works out - sounds really good from details I read.
That skme neat sounding stuff Tom E
Does the KD V2 or NANJG 105C fit without any further modding, or does the HD2010 have another diameter driver?
Edit: For some strange reason another Hd2010 modding thread bumped up, I think I’ve found the answer.
its funny you say that I just read this a little bit ago.
This may be of interest to you for changing the driver.
Tom E, make sure you scotch brite the Alu, wipe, flux,and solder it immediately. Alu oxidizes very quickly and inhibits solder bonding.
Tom-E - I’ve used two tubes of the solder-it and although I think it is good stuff for some things, soldering a driver to a pill might be tough.
The stuff is mostly flux, which can make a pretty good mess (though not all that hard to clean up).
More importantly, it takes quite a bit of heat. As you probably expect, you won’t want to heat the pill up with the driver in place (the components will probably fall off).
Be careful not to deform the pill (like with a clamp) when you get it up to temperature.
As with anything new…practice on something you don’t mind trashing first
Let us know how it goes. Sure would be useful if you find a good method…
Guys my HD2010 is on the way and i think it going to be my first flashlight that i might mod or at-least learn how to
I gathered some tools just for flashlight modding and i still miss a couple of bits and pieces.
I currently have:
Tweezers, Pliers, soldering gun and soldering iron, Permatex Anti-Seize Lubricant,
Is this the correct Arctic Silver 7g Premium Silver Thermal Cooling Adhesive ?
I would really appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction to gather all my needs from amazon like thermal paste etc…
Yup, that’s the real stuff. But keep in mind that it’s an adhesive, so it will glue your led to the pill.
If you simply want the thermally conductive properties but not the adhesive properties, look for something like this: