Headlamp for work

Son works in the oil field and has asked for a headlamp (after giving me crap for quite some time about my lights all over the place)

Will probably take abuse before being lost so not going to spend over $100.
Easy to use- low, medium high. No redlight, strobe etc.

Thoughts before all sales are over?

The D10 and D25 are Highly Regarded, 'though the headstraps and clips on most of those lights just plain suck.

If you can find a Boruit RJ02, get it get it get it.

3-way strap (headband + over-the-head strap) and rubber loops to secure the light. Indestructable short of slicing it with a knife.

Other lights’ headbands, the crappy C-clips are easy to stretch, bend, or break, and you’ll then be constantly lighting up your sneakers. And the POS headband-only straps loosen repeatedly that I had to f’n put staples through the f’n things to get it to stop loosening.

The RJ02 strap has none of those shortcomings.

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Will he be wearing a helmet (or other) ?
Is he lighting up his hands or looking further afield ?
Are there runtime expectations ?

If he’s a bit of a muggle he probably hasn’t given it much thought , just he wants a " good head lamp". So it could go one of two ways - 1. He’ll be happy with the first one he tries or 2. He may end up getting a couple till he finds one he’s happy with.

Just get one of the popular models and see how it goes

Assuming he is wearing helmet and weight is not priority you can try some Convoy headlamps.

Sofirn H25L

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Yes, those are important questions.

Hardhat? If so there are a few systems out there that incorperate the light into the helmet & do away with the pesky straps & a right angle light. A good diffused light would be useful at that point. (I saw a very interesting 360° mount system from prometheus lights just yesterday)

This may sound like it’s too far into the weeds, but since I don’t know that work environment & there is petroleum & or gasses involved, are there any spark restrictions. Some industrial work environments require brass tools.

Additionally, does he wear heavy work gloves? An easy grip selector ring may be of use here. (Surefire Maximus is the only one I know of with this headlamp feature, but others may be more tuned in on this).

Lastly Runtime… I know from experience I only get 3-4 hours of med illumination out of my 18650 headlamps, but that’s working under the hood of a vehicle at night with no other lighting & at a power level where I’m not struggling to see. He may want to think about a 21700 system or a headlamp that has a additional power pack.

The main question to overcome here is whether a hardhat is in use. From there you can go in one direction or another.

Edited* Grammar-Spelling

As Lightuser mentions, do you know if there are any safety certification requirements?

Hard hat clips are good, I use the petzl plastic J shaped hooks to stop the straps sliding up and off my helmet.

Armytek wizard c2 pro nichia. Or the pro MAX warm for more run time. The switch on the side (top when on head) is easy to operate with gloves. The general ui is pretty simple or you can switch them to the advanced ui. What does he use now?

Yes, Hard hat must be worn at all times

Army tech makes a helmet mount that sits on the brim. I think they’ve made at least two possibly three different versions of it over the years. By sitting out on the brim you’d still get light down near your feet if you want it to see what you’re going to trip over. If it sits back behind the brim there will be a lot of ground in front of you with no light. Although this varies widely depending on the on the helmet style.

Does it need to be something categorized as “intrinsically safe” ? As in, approved for potentially explosive atmospheres?
When I worked in the oil patch there were areas that required that.
I am not familiar with any of the lights commonly recommended around here that have this rating.

I personally use an elwis H2R and its awesome

Don’t buy anything that could spark!

Skillhunt h04, ylp panda 4.2r if he doesn’t need explosion proof headlamp. Maybe something from fenix, but i don’t like they UI.

Now that’s what I call positive thinking!

If not using some sort of a hard hat mount, this was one of the styles I was suggesting. (I know nothing about the model I’m just showing you the style)

It definitely covers the whole Runtime issue I’ve run into. Id wager he could even forget to charge it & still get through a shift (that situation seems to happen more often than your think, you get out if work & just forget)

It also covers the whole switch issue if he wears heavy gloves.

The last thing hes going to want to do is to hold up the rest of the crew taking his gloves off & fiddling around with a light he can’t feel the buttons on, especially if no one else is wearing one.

Also, I know when I wear a headlamp around other people, in order to not blind them, I’m constantly switching it off, blocking it’s output, or having to manipulate it when I have to go face to face with someone. A quick knob would be priceless in this regard. I know i wish mine had one.

Since it’s going on a hard hat, I wouldnt be all that worried about it’s weight as long as he can secure it properly.

The brim issue blocking output at your feet is definitely a draw back. I know I hate wearing headlamps with any sort of hat, but still, I’d rather have one then not.

With all that said, Idk how i got by all these years without one, I use mine on a daily basis.

When I must many time turn on and off my headlamp, I use flashlight with sensor which I can manipulate with wave of hand.
I have ESLNF headlamp, it is very light and have separate throw and flood channel and motion gestures sensor.
It is very cheap and recommend it to try it.

Look at Skilhunt H04 or newer H300. They have great headband with quick attachment of light.

Haa! Well hot dang!
I don’t know how long that light would last in an actual work environment, but damn, that sensor idea is brilliant!! I sure wish both my expensive headlamps had it!

I never used it to the end of battery life but it works more than 2-3 hours without problem and I always topped battery to full after use.
I will test it more.
You have data about battery life on AE listing, it looks very solid.