Does anybody know of a good headlamp with a tight beam without a lot of spill? I’m looking for a light for a friend of mine that runs trails at night and he needs this type of beam I guess. I let him borrow my zebralight h600 mkIV xhp50.2 and he said that the spill light was too bright and distracted his focus on the trail. So if anyone knows of a good 18650 headlamp with a tight beam and a neutral to warm led I’d appreciate any input.
The H600w with XHP35 will be tighter than yours with the XHP50.2
The other headlamp I can recommend is the Eagletac PH10LC2 with either XP-L Hi or Nichia 219C led.
Skilhunt h03r maybe?
The Thrunite TH10v2 with XHP35 HI should have a fairly tight beam. If you want tighter, I hear Sofirn is planning a right-angle 18650 light with an SST-20.
…spill light was too bright and distracted his focus on the trail….
Tty YLP double beam headlamps
Any headlamp which uses a 20mm TIR lens, you can swap that with a 5° or 8° lens instead.
Any headlamp with a reflector will have spill, ie, anything that comes straight off the LED instead of hitting the reflector, which’ll be a lot unless the reflector’s like 10× as deep as it is wide.
Thanks. I think one of these models will work well for him.
Led Lenser makes several headlamps with no-spill beam.
My H3 Warboy has a tight beam pattern for a reflector light, the tightest of all my non-TIR headlamps.
Also, the choice of LED plays a large role. Swap out the large XHP50.2 you mentioned in the OP for something like an XP-L Hi and the beam will be significantly tighter.
(I know mods on a ZL are problematic, I meant more like choose a light with a throw-ey LED as much as I meant mod it yourself)
Anything that uses a typical reflector will have spill.
There’s no avoiding that, no matter how small an LED you use.
Looking at zebralight website you could have one of four models that they sell. 2 with 4000k and two with 5000k. The higher tint causes more light reflection back off of trees and leaves and other things. Do you have the 4000k or the 5000k? I’m going to guess 5K.
Try the Olight H16 Wave. has a dual emitter set up with one diffused and one a thrower
my older model H25 wave is amazing but for me the beam profile is way too narrow
Low tint and hight cri and the spill won’t really distract/matter.
The Eagletac PH10LC2 with 219C LED strikes all the boxes:
-Super efficient driver with constant current and flat regulation
-High CRI
-Warm White 4000K CCT
-Small LED for increased throw and decreased spill intensity
Con: recommend a different headband. Zebralight ones work great.
I think 4000k is still too high for running past trees and other obstacles if they are close to you on a trail. If the trees are way off to the side maybe 4K would work. This issue of tint selection hasn’t really had much discussion when there are obstacles between you and what you are trying to look at or focus on. You read a lot about people saying tint selection is a personal preference. Bull. Stand in an open area and shine a light into the woods somewhere and try to see some specific object well into the woods and the higher tints will bounce off of the trees right on the edge and you can’t see and focus farther into the woods as well as you can with a lower tint. The same thing applies while shining a light down a long hallway. Regardless of how much spill you have higher tints bounce more light off of the walls and ceiling and floor and do not allow you to see and focus on specific objects at the end of the hallway.
It’s a 4000k. I was thinking the light would work well for him but everyone likes something different.
I think its a compromise between CCT preference and function. 3000K will be better to reduce glare as you describe over a cooler CCT, but many dislike 3000K as they find it too warm. It will also be harder to find a headlamp with 3000K high CRI that fits the above criteria without modifying one.
Acebeam H40 Neutral White. Pretty tight compared to other headlamps that I've seen.
True, but he didn’t say “no spill” he said not as much as XXX light. My interpretation of the OP was that he wanted a higher hotspot/spill ratio.
An aspheric like a Lenser will either have all spill (and we are looking for less spill) or all spot with no spill and you need SOME spill when trail running. Trying to trail run with a laser beam on your head would be a bad idea