Heider CFX "750m throw"

Generally “adjustable” beam zoomie mechanisms are usually found on cheaper, less robust lights

I have to say, many on here were quick to call me a fake. And make accusations that I had been ripped off. It’s fine to have your own opinion but unless you own one and have used and abused it, you are the fakes.

You may feel that I was ripped off, but it was my money and I have not a hint of being ripped off. So far this light has cost me about 2 cents an hour and has outlasted any light I have own up until now. I have found no light that can last as long as this one has. Most can not withstand the continuous operation draining multiple batteries nightly. That’s +/- 363 12hour shifts draining a minimum of 2 batteries per shift.

Is it the best light? I’m sure it’s not, but I can not comment on lights I have not used. I will be purchasing some of the lights that have been recommended. I do appreciate the recommendations. I’m always in search of better.


Sorry for being that way, but we have had shady sellers make up fake reviews before. I’m glad you like your Heider, but frankly, it’s not the best light for the money, and that’s what we’re all about.

After you get your new lights, let us know what you think of them.

Stick around the forum, you will learn a lot

We have a lot of people turning up here praising lights that we know are poor products or scams and believe me Heider is both. However that does not mean the light won’t work, it will and if the customer has never had a real quality light they may think it’s the best light in the world.

But this is BLF we have seen it all. We know all the scams, we know what to buy and not to buy, many of us build or modify torches, so we know. If you are still unsure how bad Heider are look on their Facebook page or Amazon.

All that said I also hope you will stick around and pick up one or two new lights, you will be amazed at what you can get for you money.

If I can make one more recommendation for you.

Everyone should have one, they are probably one of the best lights for the money. I love mine.


…and members of the BLF get them 2 $ cheaper :wink:

Yes I was going to mention you and codes. But my post was getting longer.


Yup, sorry you feel that way but really, with any tough aluminum light you CAN get good use out of it. LEDs are such a huge step forward from regular old incandescent, even a low quality cheap light can be put to great use, and impress people who are used to less. We were just trying to inform you you can get much more for your $$, but if you want to keep buying those, you have the money and they work well for you, that’s fine too.

For example, $500 army toilet seats do function well, and if you had the money to buy one and did, well…maybe its also a very tough toilet seat and you didn’t have to change it for 10 years, so it looks great to you, and from that point of view you think its great! But if you come to “Budget Toilet Parts” forum, the people there who know you could have bought the same quality for $15, those people may try to tell you it was a bad deal after all, and think they are doing a good thing by telling you…but its unwelcome news to the purchaser of the $500 toilet seat and kind of upsetting…


Providing good information buried in an excess of ridicule results in less than a stellar performance from the informed. Good information provided by a non owning 3rd party is difficult to swallow as it is. Then wrap it up with some sarcasm merits the author less than adequate credit.

That along with baseless unfounded assumptions and accusations of an ulterior motive being plotted, just because an opinion was not congruent with yours, let the true nature of the informer shin brightly. Well maybe not so bright.

I by chance came across this website. The link I clicked on happen to lead me hear. I began to read multiple negative comments about a product most of the commenters had never held, much less owned. I have no interest in Heider but felt compelled to offer my first hand experience with this product. Experience that was not warmly received. It’s one thing to purchase or build a light, that when turned on will out shine most. But how many of those lights are tested in a demanding real world environment? How many can withstand being ran over by a 14,000 lb Bobcat? I’m not saying that the recommended lights will not out preform the Heider, that has yet to be determined.

One of the most detrimental requirements, the one that seems to be the Achilles Heel to most lights. Is the continuous operation, sometimes up to 10hrs per night. I will be reporting back with my opinions when I have the chance to put some of these recommended lights to the test of use in the working world.

In regards to long continuous use, heat is the enemy. The brighter your flashlight is, the lower the battery life and the more heat. So you will either have to use your light on a medium setting or get a light with more mass (and some fins) to handle the heat.

Who knows, maybe the Heider is the perfect light for you and you’ll hate our suggestions. Either way, we don’t need to own a Heider to know they lie to their customers and overcharge them. For that reason, they will always have a bad rap here.

What, no love for the Convoy M1 or Convoy M2?

I suggested the M2! :bigsmile: I still think it’s a great option for mister Boone.

Since the relative cost of the lights suggested so far is low. I’ll most likely purchase most of the ones recommended so far. I have a side job that I do while not out on the water and I have such a large investment in my present side job, that I’ve been concerned about spending any money. This should relieve its self in a few days.

My Heider does heat up. This happens to the extent that the heat become a nuisance due to its close location to my neck and head.

The heat issue truly is something we can’t get around, so you’ll have to choose to either deal with a lot of heat (which isn’t great for the electronics either), deal with a bigger light with better cooling, or deal with lower light output than would be possible in a different situation. Most high-powered (2amps+) lights rely on the user’s circulatory system as “liquid cooling” and there is a chance for overheating when not held in-hand.

Just like anyone on the example Budget Toilet Parts forum isnt going to buy a $500 seat to “try out” a $15 toilet seat, nobody here could be faulted for not buying one (or baited to buy one) to try out either. We all know what toilet seats (lights) are capable of, (we know the possibilities of output from LEDs, and batteries and general light configurations, there is nothing remarkable about the “Heider” light that we can see, and in fact the past ones they sold as best as some could tell that bought the lights were outright copies of $3-5 lights sold for $50 “by Heider”) so we don’t really need to buy one to know its probably going to function just like the others at best. Remember “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”? If you are caught with a bunch of lies, usually you are assumed to be lying later, even if maybe you aren’t later, so Heider being great or even above average in anything but price is not very believable to those that know lights.

You also can’t play “moral outrage” over someone assuming a company known for selling items for massive level overpricings, stealing flashlight designs and pretending they are unique, stealing images from other sites and misleading people is above putting a phoney review in where phoney reviews are commonly used to promote this kind of stuff here!!

I still have a bit of a hard time believing this is all on the up and up, its somewhat unbelievable if you think about it that someone who uses lights all the time in a profession that uses lights all the time has never seen a brighter light that that little Heider…maybe I’m biased here being a flashlight-oholic and having so many bright lights, but I see brighter ones randomly on the streets from time to time and I’m not looking around in a profession that uses bright lights…

So all of this is very good reason your “experience was not warmly received” it goes against logic and probability, and the way you write now you say you did this on purpose, so probably you weren’t even being 100% truthful with your statements if you are just a “happy customer”. Its very interesting that you talk about “performance”, I was not performing here, I was shooting down what I perceived to be a phoney review/statement for the good of others to not be mislead out of lots of money. And even if you are real, it just might be worth your “outrage” of ridicule of Heider to prevent someone from spending so much extra on what seems to be a mediocre light, heck maybe its great, it’s not worth that price point, I can almost guarantee $25 lights being as good or better in everything most care about (maybe not crush). You seem to take this personal, but if you are not involved with Heider, its not targeting you at all.

Your remaining claim is that this light is “tough”. But if you did run it over with a 14,000lb Bobcat, many small things can be run over by them at the right angle and not crushed, it depends on the size, surface, angle and type of contact and most small tube lights are pretty strong and probably more likely to be pushed into the dirt than crushed. And most of my lights could be on for 10hrs a day on a level they could last that long on one battery with no problems. Just saying you may have a case of confirmation bias.

Enjoy whatever lights you like and have fun, but Heider lights should be known for what they are, and they aren’t worth 4-20x “just because its a Heider that can do what other lights can” or “because I can run it over and it still works”. You’ve also got to do that a bunch of times to different Heiders to even be able to make that claim btw…Dale just dropped a BLF light out the car window going 60mph btw, doesn’t mean all of that type of light would survive that all the time.

very well said

May I also suggest you get some good batteries, the batteries Heider supply are junk. gearbest have 4 Samsung 26f for just over $10. They are one of the best cells around. And also they sell Xtar single cell chargers for $4.80 they won’t catch fire.


The batteries shipped with the Hieder are junk. Most of the workers employed in the same industry as me, tend to be content with what ever type of personal use light the office sends out. It’s for that reason most of the common seen lights can be purchased at Walmart. The preferred light in my industry is http://glamox.com/upload/2011/05/04/nl2033_xs-r50-bus.png. Now if you can tell me how to get that much light out of a hand held, we can get rich.

Diverboon. We are not haters, just a bit passionate. We have seen a lot of crap being promoted as being the best and brightest in the world and do not take lightly to those manufacturers or sellers promoting on this forum. Exaggeration and often blatant lying is the way many mainland Chinese do ‘business’. We also don’t have to be engineers to understand the limits of an LED or battery or certain size reflector/optic. Many of us have lights that powered way beyond specs and do not produce beams like those being depicted at the website. I’m sorry that we attacked a purchase you made at a premium price. The intention was not to make you feel or look like a fool, but to be informative. Personally, I’m happy that you’re satisfied with the purchase and am also happy that your light being run over by a bobcat didn’t result in it’s end. :slight_smile:
It’s real cool of you to be willing to purchase what we suggest here but, I suggest that you spend time learning WHY we make these suggestions and buy based on that knowledge :smiley: