Hello everyone

Hi everyone, I’m Amanda, from MAXTOCH.

I’m new to BLF, but old to flashlights. :slight_smile: I’ve been working in MAXTOCH for many years, sort of “expert”…

My main interest is in talking with flashlight enthusiasms and pass your idea to my tech. colleagues. Then they will try to realize these advice and build an ideal lights.

So always feel free to contact me. :slight_smile:

Below are two MAXTOCH group buy.

Ending soon…

It's good to have you here, MTAmanda!

Awesome to have you here, Amanda! Looking forward to the lights you have coming out soon…especially the dive version DX21 light! :slight_smile:

Hi and welcome. With your name you should really think about filling up. :wink:

MaxToch has easily become my favorite #1 brand right after Eagletac, Fenix and Sunbayman.

Well come Amadna.

Welcome to the forum Amanda. Thank you for the interest.

Welcome to BLF, Amanda! :party:

Welcome to BLF Amanda.

It’s great to have company reps join us. :slight_smile:

Hello Amanda and welcome to BLF!

I dont know anything about torches and rely on the good lads in this forum to guide me through. I bought on both Group buy torches on offer.

Hi i am Tom Willing and newly joined.


Welcome Amanda

Myself and friends have had great service from you and Maxtoch in the last couple of years - excellent lights at the right price. New Zealand hunters love them…

Welcome also to Tom

Regards, mike