lol! I’m not sure how you could make such a claim
I’ve had three separate problems with xFire batteries. Two caught on fire while charging, and one “failed” in a flashlight.
Lets take a look one of my experiences with their 14500 series batteries…
Trustfire claims their blue label 14500 batteries are “900mah”. It says on the trustfire site for the blue label batteries “Maximum Charge Rate: 1c, Long Life Charge Rate: 0.6c, Maximum Discharge Rate: 2c”.
So, given the 900mah rating, this means we should be able to fast charge it at just a little under an amp (900ma), or for long life charge at 540ma or drain it at 1.8amps.
Take a look at the following discharge test (at 2amps):

The darker line is the 2nd test of the same battery after letting cool, recharging, cool, then re-test. You can see that the trustfire battery was severely damaged from discharging it at 2.2c and its tested capacity on the first test was only 230mah, and the second test only 900mah!!! SCARY! You can see the Sanyo 840mah battery preformed flawlessly under the same test.
This 230ma “real” capacity (or slightly more) led to my first ever charger fire. I was using it in a modified Spik SK68 being driven around 1.8amps. I don’t know if the battery was damaged from this high drain (I had done a runtime test on high, forced air cooled, battery only lasted 7 mins before low voltage protection). I let the battery rest for a few hours then set my charger to its lowest setting of 0.5 amps (under the batteries 0.6c long life charge rating of 0.54 amps) and dropped it in. Approximately 10 mins later I could smell a funny smell and when I checked the battery it was too hot to touch. I picked up the entire charger and ran outside with it and smacked it on the ground to pop the battery out as not to ruin my charger. The battery melted down into a pile of goo 
I wouldn’t call any “sub-par” battery “safe”. How fast does the performance of the battery deteriorate? Will it be safe to charge it? At what reduced rate over the life of the battery?
Is this crap I should be worrying about? No.
Stick to Panasonic NCR18650B 3400mah batteries for your 18650 needs (watch out for fakes on ebay), Sanyo 840mah batteries for your 14500’s and King Kong 26650’s. Best you can get, why risk it?
-Jamie M.