Hello from Cape Town South Africa

Hi all I will have to do speed reading or just asked all the silly questions please forgive me if I may ask a silly question.

I am a springbuck farmer (the ones with 4 legs) :bigsmile: in the Western Cape in a town Koekenaap 300km from Cape Town.

I own allot of flashlights, I will count them later but a few of those good old LOGGGGGS - Mag lights and then a few spot lights for hunting and lately a few IR spots for Jackal hunting at night.

I am also in the process of building night vision contraption with Watec and lens and IR spotlight.

I think I can learn from all of you on this FORUM.

During the day I am a Scientist running a big Lab in Cape Town at night a ………………… reason for joining your Forum I need to see in the dark. 0:)

I would like to turn some of the old Maglights into good spotting torches Can you please ditect me to the places on this forum. Thinking of LED plas aspheric lens.

I bought a LED - plugin for one of the small 2XAA mini maglights a week ago and it looks good. Now I was looking to convert the older BIG loggs also.


Thanks for signing up, Esonra!

Welcome to the forum Esonra,

Can you speak Dutch? Because I like the name of your city.. koekenaap.

Enjoy your time here on BLF!

:bigsmile: Thanks I will.

Yes, I am Afrikaans but its close to DUTCH J)

Welcome to BLF, Esonra! :party: What kind of scientist are you?

Welcome to BLF! Hope you enjoy your stay here.

I think there are some drop-ins for maglites, but you might have better luck at candlepowerforums.com

To use an aspheric lens in a maglite might be slightly hard, and I think it needs some intense mods.

Here’s a website: LED Maglite 3D Direct Drive SST-90 5700K w/ aspheric lens Build + Info ***PIC HEAVY** | Laser Pointer Forums - Discuss Laser Pointers | High Power Lasers

So you know what it means Koek en Aap.

I like both, but never ate the latter ;)

Ja welkom Kapie……… van n blou bul

Ja baie welkom :)

Is this where all the Safricans gather? Welkom to the enlightenment…
You can get a 190 lumen ‘supa led’ drop in for a maglite at Outdoor warehouse for around R299. Bit steep, considering a small sun zyt 08 would cost a bit less, but then at least you can still use your maglite…
Would’ve thought a led upgraded maglite would give you a fairly decent beam to hunt with, of is ek verkeerd? Can’t say I’ve seen one in action, but it’s got a pretty serious head that should give you a good beam I would think.
Anyways, enjoy, these okes are pretty clued up on things light around here…

Hi and welcome Esonra. You have a very diverse life. Do you drive 600 Km to work and back everyday?

J) NO and Yes, I drive 600Km on weekends to work on farm :smiley: But I use to fly — :frowning: but that now another story.
During the week I am in Capwe Town — home to Lab 26km. One of these days I might be working on the Farm and be in Cape Town over the weekends. :bigsmile:

Thanks for all the welcome messages.

Glad te see some South African’s and yes I am still a BLOUBUL from Pretoria now 22yr in Cape Town and still did not get one white stripe?

Good day Chloe

I am a WATER-UTILISATION SCIENTIST more on DRINKING WATER and analyses of Water.

Welcome fellow Kaapenaar, hope you visit often

Is this what you are looking for?
Led drop in

Thanks yes but I need for a 4D Mag also.