Hello from Charlotte!

Welcome Copper plucker. :beer:

Welcome to BLF Carpe Cuprum! There’s tons of modding info here for sure. I’m always amazed at all the info I can find searching previous posts.

have you watched some youtube videos? to get to turbo - one click to turn the light on and then 2 more clicks (while on) for turbo

are your aux LEDs on the head lit up when you are seeing 2 leds on the button?

I somehow got it to work. I really need to learn the tricks to this light. I’ll get it now that realized it was smarter than me. Thanks. Going to YouTube.

I had it in muggle mode. Man, I have a lot of practice ahead of me. I’ll get it. I love this light.

I have spent quite a bit of time in that part of NC. Nice place.


Now, I’m good at it. Thanks to YouTube. And of course 08civicsi.

Glad you got it figured out! i definitely had to do some youtubing when i got my Fw3a, which uses the same interface. it’s fun once you get it all figured out!

You’re right. Thanks again.