I finally had to join here since I’m already on CPF. And I have to admit I have a slight addiction with flashlights… Friends think I’m crazy for spending 75 euros on a zebralight and I feel it’s the best investment I’ve ever made… I began my carrier with a 4xD battery light thrower that I got from a friend of my dad when I was about 8. Then a maglite 2xAA maybe 5 years later. Then much later I found out about LED flashlights and buying them cheap from china. Which mostly ended in dead flashlights after about a year… After finding zebralight and buying the sc600 (first version) There’s no question about what quality and interface I want in a flashlight.
Currently I have Nitecore TM06S incoming that I found for a good price and I’m interested in can sized lights but it’s still not zebralight quality and efficiency… (here’s hoping for zebralight C3)
Hey how are you man? Have you considered the Noctigon M43? Top notch quality with Zebralight style UI. Currently for sale for 120 Euro at Intl. Outdoor. Cheers!
I did take a long hard look at the noctigon m43. Seems like a great light, only problem is the efficiency. The nitecore gets 1500 lumens for about 4 hours compared to the noctigon m43 getting only 748 lumens for just over 4 hours (roughly calculated with the new NW S4 3D led) Runtime is much more important for me. As fun as high output is, I don’t find much use in 8000 lumens that I can only run for 30 sec before it starts stepping down.
At this rate I expect we’ll get fan cooled flashlights withing a few years, which would really be the only way to increase output in any substantial way. Or maybe extremely heavy lights with large amounts of copper and aluminium fins to sink the heat away.
And I’m great after getting the TM06S for a great price too bad about having to lock it out to prevent drain on only 2 batteries for the beacon…
We don’t have polarbears here btw… But we do have santa clause and his evil minions!
And seems like the noctigon is better than I thought, it’s output should really be more like 1200 lumens at that setting. It’s really the optics that slightly hampers the efficiency so I might just have to get one to have that zebralight like interface… Seems like joining flashlight forums cost a fair bit of money