Not completely new to the addiction of flashlights but new to the building and modding part.
Just finished my first ever build on Saturday, August 27th, 2016
Quad XP-L HI V2 1A
FET + 7135 running Bistro UI with temp sensor
See you around
Not completely new to the addiction of flashlights but new to the building and modding part.
Just finished my first ever build on Saturday, August 27th, 2016
Quad XP-L HI V2 1A
FET + 7135 running Bistro UI with temp sensor
See you around
It's a pleasure to know you, hoekjor!
Referred by RMM himself.
(I think that’s his handle)
Go Badgers
Welcome to the forum. What host is it in?
Drunk Wisconsin, the state where I learned to keep my beer in an ice chest with a hot water bottle, during the winter, to keep it from freezing.
Welcome to BLF!
Welcome aboard. Hope you have a great time.
Congrats on the build. Would like to know more about the external temp sensor. Give us some pics next time. We love pictures.
For the time being it is in an Ultrafire 502B until my Solarforce comes in from Hong Kong. O.o
Have also thought of putting it in a 6P bored to accept 18650s.
The Bistro has a built in temp sensor so that it has an automatic step down when it reaches the desired temp. Which can also be configured by the user.
Welcome. What host did you use ?
For the time being until the new one arrives, Ultrafire 502B. The new one being a Solarforce L2P.
Oops. Didn’t read all the posts. Saw you answered already. Just did 2 triples myself, Convoy S3 and a Astrolux S1, and now I want to do a quad or a 7 led.
I’m happy with it but I am not happy with it. If I had it in the L2P I think I’d be happy but right now it’s no where new twist I thought it was going to be. But for a first build I think it’s fine. Just not enough thermal conductivity.