Hello everyone! I’ve been a long time reader of all your very valuable info and entertaining stories. I have learned lots from all of you.
I miss Old Lumens since he was such a great contributor to BLF and seemed like such a genuine and kind person.
I have a family that takes up a lot of my time, but I will try as best as I can to contribute to the forum.
If you are interested, here is my flashlight history:
I have several flashlights based on info I’ve learned here. My first flashlight was a Nitecore EA4. I couldn’t believe how powerful a flashlight could be. Then I learned about the Sunwayman D40A flashlights. So I gave my Nitecore to my dad and purchased a D40A cool white since it has the most lumens. It was very hard for me to decide whether to choose the cool white for more lumens or the neutral light for better tint. Since I had buyer’s remorse, and purchased a D40A in neutral white. When they both arrived, I preferred the neutral light over the cool white and I was all of sudden a flashaholic. It was at that time I became a BLF member and chose my user name neutral fan. Then I learned about Zebralight flashlights and purchased a SC52wL2 in neutral white, keeping with the AA battery format. Then I purchased a Zebralight SC62 in neutral light and was absolutely amazed at the amount of light that can be produced from a lithium ion 18650 battery. I was then sold on 18650 and purchased an Opus BT-3100 charger (I got lucky and my fan is quiet). My next purchase was a Mountain Electronics Supfire M6 mod option 2 in neutral white, of course. Absolutely amazing! What a tank of a light. Then I waited a couple of years for my next flashlight. I’m of the disposition if I don’t need it, then I will resist and not buy. That’s how I relate to BLF - I try to limit my budget to only flashlights that I need and can use practically. I read so much about the Noctigon M43 from when it was an concept to when BLF users started getting them and reviewing them. So I splurged and got a M43 with Nichia 219C 80+ CRI. Did I need it? Not really. But what a marvel of a flashlight and dads need fun stuff too. And finally, for my wife, I got her an Astrolux A01 to replace an ugly not so cool white AA flashlight that she didn’t complain about, but was happy to get the A01.
I am currently interested in buying a thrower flashlight, but am not sure if I need it since my Mountain Electronics M6 does pretty well. But that’s what makes this forum so great - I learn so much and if I do make a purchase, I know that I’ve made the best decision based on all of you.
Who knows, but maybe when I have more time to myself, I may learn to modify flashlights and enjoy that aspect of being a flashaholic.
Oh and that last sentence... This one "Who knows, but maybe when I have more time to myself, I may learn to modify flashlights and enjoy that aspect of being a flashaholic.".
This means you are over the denial lol and you are officially a flashaholic. It's okay, we all are so your secret is safe with us...
Thanks everyone, I appreciate your kind words and welcoming me.
Some may think I’m contradicting my philosophy of only getting lights that I really need with my Noctigon M43 purchase, which I would understand.
So here it goes - my Supfire M6 is used by my family as a search light in the back yard when our small dog is let out at night. There have been some small dogs in the area that have been taken by coyotes so we don’t take any chances. My M6 has now become the family’s M6 and I was pleasantly surprised when they started using it and relying on it. So in my head (follow me), I thought I couldn’t take the M6 anymore since it’s needed for dog protection, right? Right?
Or as Terry White stated above, I’m officially a flashaholic. But for now, my family is ok with it.
See, now you are on the right path. And like I said no one here will EVER think you have too many flashlights. Welcome to the addiction that even we do not understand.