hello from new bern nc

Hello i found this awsome site . As a newbie hope to learn a lot . Im an ebay addict and mailman so i love a good flashlight.

Welcome! My wife is from Beaufort.

Great love the area i know the post master there

Welcome! I lived in PKS for one summer, beautiful area, even with all the halfbacks…

Welcome. Hope you enjoy your time here!

Thanks as i love a new flashlight. I see thete is a wealth of info here.

So where do i find any reviews on this 25000LM SKYRAY 10 x CREE XML-T6 LED Flashlight Torch 4 x 18650 Hunting Lamp as i saw,on ebsy for 21$?

We're very glad to have you here, maildroid!

Welcome to BLF maildroid. It almost caught me on the wrong foot. You are from New Bern … in North Carolina.
But then again, there is a place called America in the Netherlands.

Welcome to BLF!

You will not find it.
The Sky Ray King as sold today is used for modding.
t has a lot of critical errors.
25K lumens, you can safely divide that by 10 or more.
If you do buy a SRK, get one with 3 or 4 LEDs, this will save $$$ in replacing them.
A lot of people will advise you not to buy one. I bought a few knowing what I am getting into, they are big so an good starting point to learn how to mod.

Ok thanks that helps a lot.thanks i see them with these big numbers but then i see a video with the guy that has 5000 lumens that can start a fire for 199. So i figured they were crap or poor made

With a few exceptions, you can pretty much count on flashlights on eBay being junk and/or way overpriced. There are a couple members here who sell non-junk flashlights on eBay. One that I know has stock on eBay right now is PFlexPro. He modifies quality budget flashlights to high performance levels and re-sells them for a very reasonable price.

And also… Welcome to BLF! I’m in North Carolina too, but over near Charlotte in a city called Salisbury. :slight_smile:

Ok yeah i been there on my way to carowinds. Thanks i like to walk on the beach at night as i get off too late . So as me and my dog rusty like to hunt ghost crabs . I like a really good bright flashlight. As too see far off a couple hundred meters.

Welcome aboard. If you’re like to tinker and modify stuff, cheap lights from ebay is a good way to get hosts. You will need to replace the emitters, emitter bases, and the driver if you want to turn them into anything decent. A little elbow grease to ensure a good thermal path and to reduce electrical resistance is also required.

If you want something the performs great without modification, Mountain is a great domestic source as he only carries quality stuff.

Ok yeah i like that where do i start to learn how to mod?

You’ve already taken the first step by joining BLF. Look around the Recent Posts page (Home Page), there are a lot of modding threads in plain sight. If you know what you want, a specific key-word search in the upper left corner of any page will give lots of results as well. If you’re ever unsure about anything, ask around. There are several very knowledgeable and helpful modders that are here just about every day.

You have a bunch of crappy lights right?
Take some apart as far as you can, see what’s inside, how they are build.
Almost everything can be replaced
If you are lucky you have 1 light with a body you do not like but a nice color tint coming out of it and another with a nice body and not nice color tint.
If that is the case and the stars where the LEDs are on have the same size you can change one for the other it is 4 wires desolder and 4 x solder back a good start.

So is it hard to make them better ,stronger ?

It is not harder to make them much better, but there is a learning curve.

Patience is a virtue with modding, be it waiting for parts from far away lands, or that second it takes for the solder to harden while the closest finger to it is sending you loud messages about heat and the volume of nerves being affected.

The resignation needed to realize this hobby has some loss involved in the learning curve, but the rewards are bright…

Read up and start assimilating things, at some point it all gels and most of it makes sense….

If you want a good budget light you can browse for good reviews on cheaper lights. If you want to pay for a good quality hard driven light look at Nitecore/Eagletac/Zebralight type name brands from a good US dealer.

If you want to tinker there is plenty of help and info here.