Glad I found this forum, although I don’t expect my wallet will be to happy
I’ve been a flashlight junkie since my time in the military in the early ’90s, when my mini-Maglight never left my side. Sure have come a LONG way since then!! I appreciate NOT replacing the bulb every time I dropped it. Suppose I’m dating myself….
Anyway, glad to be here!
Hi and welcome to budget low forum :bigsmile:
i’m a little south of you, but my lights get their best use up your way
First, a belated thank you for your service, Chris. Second, welcome to BLF.
Welcome to the forum!
Welcome! Hold onto your wallet! ;)
Thanks for joining Flashaholics Anonymous, chris97!
Welcome, Chris.
Welcome chris97!
Welcome to the forum, Chris.
Welcome! :party:
Thanks everybody!
Hi and welcome Chris. It looks very mountainous from where you hail.
welcome to the madness. there is a growing number of us in new york. i just got back from a two day hunt in the southern adk’s. how about that ZERO DEGREE fahrenheit temp yesterday.
It will be much colder this week so they say.