Flashaholic since 2007. Been mostly on that other forum since then, but would read here occasionally. Taken a few breaks since I started and now the candlepower is not as bright as it once was, but somethings are the same. They unfortunately can’t keep the website running so it can take 10 times as long to do anything if you can even get on. Not sure why the advertisers are not screaming bloody murder, or maybe they are, but keeping it internal.
Got a smoker of a deal here on the Halloween SS Worm, and it’s so much easier to find deals on this site and I like it’s organization in many ways better. So I decided to sign-up, was surprised I had not done it earlier to tell you the truth. I’m a bit grumpy these days with some manufactures, but I’ll try to control it and hopefully I can pass on some good information before I hibernate again.
Great Forum Here, and Congratulations on keeping it that way for so long and really evolving it nicely.
Just got in an older Antique light today, liking the Mini-1/CooYoo 10180 lights with built-in USB as they really bring a lot of good things together in a small package. They are appreciated a lot as gifts too.
Been picking up some bigger lights recently like the Marauder (still waiting), the L6, and a few different single 26650 lights. My new EDC is the Zebralight SC600Fd III Plus which I think is just fabulous for my EDC usage. Before that I carried the Zebra light SC60w and SC62w for years. I carried the LD01 then LD01SS on the keychain for years, but just switch that also to the latest Maratac Ti AAA. Often have others in my pockets that I recently got, but always keep my standard EDC lights with me.
Welcome aboard! I made the same switch and frankly like it much better here. We have tons of information on modding if you are into that. Also some very good coders building awesome firmware for all of the Amtel MCU’s
Mmm, now that it comes to my mind, I also made an account on CPF looong ago. A few months ago I logged in again, but for some reason my account was disabled: couldn't even see my profile, much less reply to threads, etc. The “contact the moderator” procedure treated me like some sort of unwanted moronic alien, got stuck in a loop and didn't worked. Well done CPF staff.
I actually tried the other one first I am not sorry to say. I have only been around a couple of months but this is a great group of people and I am glad I was welcomed here.
Welcome, I’m sure there us much I can learn from you as I do the others.
Welcome to BLF, StandardBattery, Your addiction goes way back beyond when I started (2011 on CPF). I’m sure you like it here, enjoy the discussions, the information and the temperament!